Moisturiser advice please

Do you actually need a moisturiser?

Personally I use an aftershave lotion which contains alcohol to close the pores and moisturising oils to soothe the skin. In my collection I have 4711 Aftershave Cologne, Woody's Aftershave Tonic, Lea 0% alcohol Aftershave Lotion and Brut Original Aftershave Lotion all of which moisturise. If you are using something which does not contain moisturising oils such as Old Spice Original Aftershave or a cologne then you will need an aftershave balm and I would default to Nivea but I don't use it.
I use a moisturiser as part of my routine to nourish the rest of my face. I wouldn't use cologne or anything scented anywhere other than my neck. It's often horses for courses and I don't think there is any one right or wrong way. If you feel you need one use one, if you don't leave it out of your routine.

I swear by mine, but I understand it isn't for everyone.
Wow this is brilliant thankyou! I’m about 2 minutes away from Aldi so going to pop tomorrow to get some and give it a go. Thankyou.
Does your pours open & close ?
I did loz when the wife said " why the hell are you buying stuff like that for, your either having an affair or your turning into a right tart, which is it?"
I replied "look it's recommended from the guys in the forum (innocent look)"
" So you gave up porn to end up talking to tarts with razors," she responded.
Sheesh women
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