Mostochlegmash Blades

I tried all these years ago and all I remember is Voskhod was a "crapshoot" blade and that the Rapira blades at the time seemed awfully similar. :unsure:

I get great results with my Voskhods, but I have read many have issues with consistency, I've never had a bad blade though.

I've used a few others (various Rapira ones) and found them to be good performers, but the Voskhod was the one I liked the most.

They are fine blades but I think there are better blades out there which are cheaper and have fewer issues with QC.
I like most of these blades, and Voskhods have usually been OK, but nothing special. However, I did use one from a batch that I bought quite a while ago, and it felt tuggy, blunt and rough. Rapiras of all types are good for me, and Ladas aren't too bad either. The QC seems rather random at times
Likewise, VOSKHOD have never failed to impress. They certainly sharpen up with a few strops on the face! I still hold the Rapira Platinum Lux as one of my very favourite blades delivering four consistent feel and quality shaves < sainty checked within the last month. Swedish Supersteels less so, givnig me that kinda irritation I sometimes get from platinum stated blades. LADAS and Rapira Stainless remain quite lowly in my estimations.
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