My nerves, I forgot to introduce myself

Hello All,
I'm a DE newbie (since Xmas 2010) but now a wetshaving newbie. Have used Mach3's so far but in the name of good ol' traditions I've picked up DE shaving. It was a good choice :)
A few words about me: I live in Slovakia, work in IT, am married and love everything that's traditional. I'm a pipesmoker enthusiast but also smoke cigars, I LOVE music of all kinds, and also movies. Have a few knives (cca20), a few pipes(cca70), a few cacti(cca 4-500) and now an aquarium too:D
I'm the kind of a forum guy so I'll have a few word to almost every topic :D
Welcome to the forum.

Collecting - Hmm, I know the thing - there's always room for just another "unique" example. We all have our weaknesses - wristwatches are mine, along with knives, and I have a feeling razors could become another...
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