Old spice

Wednesday December 9, 2009
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE</a><!-- m -->
:lol: :lol: Bejaysus Damian, I think I'll have to get some of that for HWMOM!
I know my father had some of this when I was a kid, but not sure he wore it, as I can't remember anything about what it smells like. However, that might be explained by its transient nature....now that I've found by Luca Turin book, I can't resist looking everything up in it; here's what the master of scents has to say;

'Old Spice (Procter and Gamble) *** powdery oriental
Aside from the wonderful smell, the thing I like best about Old Spice is the weird, thin little conical stopper on the top of the opaque bottle. The fragrance is a delicious Tabu-like oriental, whose claim to be a masculine is based entirely on its transience. A man is a womam consisting entirely of top notes.'
I never understand why things like Old Spice need advertising at all. It was good enough for my grandad, so it's good enough for me :D . As far as I'm concerned, Old Spice is the way men should smell.

No amount of advertising could dissuade me, although this one does make a reasonable attempt. Sadly the wife wont let me buy any till I use up the rather expensive bottle of CKFree in the bathroom :(
This in the av is FPS Doug... who has a phrase of "I can dance all day"... I leave the individual to do the necessary searches if'n they want to.
I had to Google Doug....what is he on??!!??
I can't keep up with all this avatar changing. However, I did see the film Avatar yesterday with the grandkids. Fantastically done as regards graphics/ special effects, but plot not exactly riveting, and personally I could have done without quite so much shooting and explosions towards the end.
Typical woman, gives the end of the film away ;)

Yeah, FPS Doug rocks bells, he's as mad as a jar of bees (clip contains swearing):

I haven't given the end away have I??? I mean, I haven't said who won.
Cheese Dave, I am shocked and I have to say deeply disappointed that you would suggest that a Nanny should watch a video clip which contains swearing. :eek: :shock: :eek: Sad to say, FPS Doug is very similar to one of my grandchildren (who fortunately doesn't swear - as yet) - his answer to the question 'what do you want to do when you grow up? is 'Soldier or police man or FBI or Ultimate Fighter'..........obviously my tree hugging genes have been diluted somewhere along the way. :)
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