Polish razor before selling (or not)?

Monday November 7, 2016
Richmond, New Zealand
I have this Wellmann straight razor.
Pre 1890, so it's a good age. Has the original horn scales.
I will sell it but...what's best?
Polish the blade first (me and my trusty Dremel), or leave it 'as is'? I will put it up on the BST if any interest.
The edge seems fine and it should hone nicely...but I'm a DE shaver only so it's no good sitting here.
Was my Grand-dad's/Great Grand-dad's...but I'm in a wee retirement place now so my 'treasures' need to go.
Your thoughts appreciated.

I don’t trust Dremels as they can easily ruin a blade. Unless you have all the necessary abrasives to clean it I would sell it as it is because experiences restorers may want to retain the existing patina. If you attempt to clean it yourself with little or no experience you will limit the number of potential buyers.
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