Shave of the Day w/c Saturday 20th March 2010

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1955 Gillette British Flair Tip Rocket
Indian Wilkinson Sword (5)
Wilkinson Sword Stick
Kent BK4 (right side)/Kent BK2 (left side)
Paco Rabane XS AS

Well as I felt the BK2 was softer than the BK4 last night (well Thursday) the only thing to do was to do a side-by-side comparison... The BK4 is softer, floppier and creates more lather more quickly - but the BK2 isn't far behind. I think I still prefer the BK4 on balance but it's a very narrow balance.

Back from the NYC Holidays...the shaves, for the last week and a half, have been exclusively with the

1955 A3 Superspeed
Erasmic Cream
Shave Shack IP
Vulfix Travel Brush (thanks Paul!)

All reasonable shaves but I stress reasonable; I am so glad to be hyem to the favoured Open Comb familiarity and smooth closeness.

My, how I've missed you all... :cry:
Blyth Spirit said:

Back from the NYC Holidays...the shaves, for the last week and a half, have been exclusively with the

1955 A3 Superspeed
Erasmic Cream
Shave Shack IP
Vulfix Travel Brush (thanks Paul!)

Was thinking about getting that travel brush - what is it like?

Merkur Futur (4)
Red Personna (7)
Vulfix 2235 super
Boots Soap
Boots Freshwood ASB
Envy EDT

Well I'm gob-smacked 7 shaves with this blade and its still going strong! An unsatisfying shave as I had to "hurry up" because Mrs Jeltz needed a shit! (TMI?) Still it was pretty smooth (the shave), a little irritation (probably due to rushing) with one small nick (probably due to rushing) and one small rough patch on my chin (probably due to rushing).

Bic Sensitive
Edwin Jagger Best Badger
Kent Soap
Old Spice a/s

Thought I'd give one of these Bics a try. I really didn't know what to expect, but I think the word I am looking for is "Wow!" You pick one out of the bag (99p for 10) and it feels pretty poor, but start shaving and all that is forgotten.

3 passes; WTG, XTG, ATG - no problem -BBS. Colour me impressed.


Tabac soap stick - arrived yesterday from nivolo (thanks!!) Wow really nice luxurious cream. I like the smell, the soap to me smells nearly identical to Imperial Leather
Crystal IP (2)
Boots freshwood

Very nice shave today - getting the hang of it and the Crystals are working much better than the red personna. Plus my technique is really coming on. Keep re-watching mantics videos and picking up new bits all of the time. I've found that holding the razor like a dart has helped heaps, I think it makes me have a much lighter touch.

Edwin Jagger DE87
Gillette Platinum (3)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
Culmak Soap/Erasmic Cream
Witch Hazel
One Planet AB
Pinaud Clubman AS
Canoe EDC

A rarity a Saturday off work :D , a nice slow and unhurried shave, back with the EJ after a day with the Racer, these Plats are really nice, shame I can't remember the Swedes, I must have used them in the past, a lovely DFS+ was had and a sprinkling of clubman and canoe ( I really love the smell), set up for the day, shame its raining.

Have a nice and pleasant day Gents.

Blyth Spirit said:
Back from the NYC Holidays...the shaves, for the last week and a half, have been exclusively with the

My, how I've missed you all... :cry:

Good to see you back, I enjoy your reading OC experiences in SOTD.

Jeltz said:
An unsatisfying shave as I had to "hurry up" because Mrs Jeltz needed a shit! (TMI?)

Very Amuzing, my type of humour

As per the pic. 1957 Red Tip - gifted to me by a US friend who happened to find it in a junk shop for $5! Looks tatty, but works fine. Is rather aggressive though.
Supermax SuperStainless (1),
Mühle Sandalwood soap.


Had some issues with the lather this morning - god knows why. 3 times i rinsed the brush, reloaded and started again. The 3rd time and there was loads of thick lather! Not sure why that didn't happen at the start - i can't put my finger on what it was i did differently!

The Harris Sandalwood AS is lovely - the best out of my recent sample selection from Connaught - may have to invest in a full bottle!

Have a nice Saturday gents.

Mühle R89
Crystal (3)
Trumps Coconut Cream
Pure badger brush

Just went for a SAS (socially acceptable shave) today. WTG and XTG as I wanted to give my face a rest. I went a bit OTT yesterday. Nothing great.

Veleiro Shaving Cream + L'Occitane Cade Shaving Soap + 5 drops of glycerin
Semogue 2000 Boar Brush
Boker «King Cutter» Straight Razor
Old Spice After Shave Splash
444 After Shave Balm
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