Shave of the day w/c Saturday 9th January 2010

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Gold Plated Gillette Tech
Vulfix VS/3
Proraso (green tube)
Proraso a/s splash

We have our annual works bash AFTER Christmas. Last night was the night, so this morning I needed a "wake up from a hangover shave" so broke out the Proraso.


Merkur HD
Gillette Super Thin (1)
Kent BK8
Aqua Velva

2.5 passes - 3 above the chin, two below.

Williams Mug Shaving Soap - courtesy of a colleague from the States - is known for being tough to lather. Mashing a soaked brush into the puck created a really really good lather... probably not as good a value for money product as Palmolive, but a good lather nonetheless.
Time to use the straight, so i thought why not.
Used the smaller of the two i got sent today.

Real Shave Co cream
Wilkinson Sword Brush
Merkur 34HD to tidy up
Astra Blade
Nivea ASB

This straight seemed to give me alot of irritation, more then the other one. Ill have to give the other one a go to see if im right though.
JUst did cheeks, bit of the neck and upper lip with straight.
The DE with an Astra blade seems easier. Much smoother shave, no irritation, alot faster. But the straight just takes me more time, more concentration and gives me something to do, that i think i enjoy.
GF not too keen on the straight though

'40s Superspeed
Vulfix VS/3
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
Old Spice a/s

I haven't used this old Superspeed for about 12 months, as I didn't really get on with it. This morning, it was nothing short of marvellous. Just shows you that your technique still continues to improve, even when you think you've nailed it.

Old Spice: Always reminds me of family weddings when I was a kid. All the men would be dressed up and smelling of the stuff. The scent always paints a picture in my head of my Dad and uncles in suits and wearing shirts with cuff links.

Saturday Evening

Futur + Feather
Vulfix Pure Badger
Speick cream
Body Shop Maca Root 'Razor Relief' (I think it's called)
Penhaligon's Douro

A fine, hassle-free shave. I've found Speick to be a top-notch cream, which makes a thick 'n' slick lather each time. Heard the AS splash is excellent, too - must try it.

Bought Maca Root cream yesterday, along with the AS balm, which I cracked open last night. In all honesty, didn't think much to it at all; but maybe that was because my skin didn't need that much relief.

Gillette Red Tip A4 Superspeed
Gillette Bleue (1)
Semogue 1305
WARS Cream

Proraso AS
Proraso ASB

Very good shave indeed; grateful thanks to Paul_D for the A4. Slight nick to the chin, ( :oops: ) but the damage cleared up with the cold water splash.

The razor is a tad heavier than the ordinary SS and all the better for it!

Blade efficient and WARS excellent - as usual.

Sunday IS funday!

Merkur 34C HD
Red Personna (2)
Semogue 1305

Boots Freshwood AS
Boots Freshwood ASB

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass on in the background

Turn of events today. Today brought me my quickest, most proficient and most confortable shave ever. Even before the addition of the mighty fine cheapo Boots post shaves. Not the closest shave I've ever had but the closer shaves have been less comfortable and I'm sure most of us would agree that we'd take quick, proficient and comfortable over extra close.

Happy days
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE87
Blade: Wilkinson Sword (made in England)
Brush: Simpson 'Duke' 2 (pure badger)
Soap: L'Occitane Cade
Aftershave: L'Occitane Cade
Cologne: Diptyque Tam Dao
Today, and for the rest of the week:

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE87
Blade: Wilkinson Sword (UK)
Brush: Simpson Duke 2 in Pure
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Aftershave: D R Harris Pink

The only thing that might change is the soap as I have some Lightfoot's Pure Pine Shaving Soap on its way. Worst soap ever, apparently.

Merkur HD
Gillette Super Thin (2)
Kent BK8
Mitchell's Wool Fat

Aqua Velva

Missed shaving yesterday and I reaped the benefits today. My neck hasn't felt this smooth in a long time.
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