So what do I do if I cut myself?

Alum blocks are effective both in cost and don't sting like some styptics do.
Lots of overpriced alum blocks out there but often Asian or world foods shops sell them cheap.
I would look to spend less than a fiver on 50g if you can.
Alum blocks all the way for me...... works wonders.... side issues. Slow down, consider different (calmer ) blades, depending on what your using. I'm no expert but I found using milder blades reduced the number of cuts...
My Dad told me a trick they used to use in the Army back in the day. Back then you had a short amount of time to shave in the morning and then had to be straight out on parade - no bleeding allowed !!

So after a shave you filled the bowl with the coldest water you can and you held your breath and held your self face down in the cold water for 30secs or more and just turned your face from side to side slowly - that would stop, staunch and wash away any traces of bleeding.

I have done it and it certainly sorts out small cuts straight away. I think the temperature causes the skin to shrink tight and thats probobly what fixes the small shaving nicks.
This may well be worth a try. I got the pro raso and got the alum block to give it a go, just hoping to cut myself soon to give it a go!
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