SOTD 20th - 26th October


Muhle R41
Supermax Blue Diamond (1)
Semogue 1305
Nannys Nutmeg Spice - face lathered
Witch hazel
Institut Karite AS balm
Caron Yatagan cologne

Very close 2 pass shave (WTG and ATG) but a couple of nicks and irritation meant it wasn't perfect.

Loving the smell of the Yatagan though. I'm now having to reign in my CAD as I have 3 Caron scents, a TOBS Jerwyn Street one, some old Issey Miyake and various Prof Blightly ones.
Mikael said:
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Neep coffee bean handle
Razor: Hachiken Japanese vintage razor
Soap: Cyril R Salter Sandalwood
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean :D

Nice to shave at home again, after a week in Turkey and a slight fever yesterday I'm feeling really good again :D

... had some really good shaves in Turkey, this guy was really good and I went there every second day, for a full Turkish shave (head and face, massage, burning things in the ears and you name it = 20 Turkish Lira/12 usd):

... and my worst nightmare came true in Turkey - my wife shaved me :icon_lol:

Good to see you again Mikael!
Mikael - Properly shaven, looks full of joy.
Mikael's wife - Properly shaven husband and properly shaving husband, looks happy as can be.
Mikael's son/brother/friend - Not properly shaven, merely content.

Draw your own conclusions!
Merkur 34c HD
Astra SP (2)
Vie Long 13061
Proraso red cream

A 5 minute very acceptable shave. Quite liking this Proraso Sandalwood with Shea Butter stuff - much prefer this to the Taylor's Sandalwood (the cream that start me off on this crazy shaving trip). Maybe there's room for a woodier scented cream or soap. I'm quite fancying a go on that Castle Forbes Cedar & Sandalwood, or perhaps check out some of Nanny's stuff, or maybe even a tube of this Proraso...

Edit: Does anyone know if Proraso are going to come out with the Sandalwood in soap form (i.e. a red tub to go along with the green and white versions)?

Edit 2:

Good morning friends! :)

PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
BRUSH: 26mm Thäter LE (SRP 2011), 2-band, Silvertip Badger
SOAP/CREAM: Taylor of Old Bond Street The St. James Collection Luxury Shaving Cream
SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
RAZOR: 6/8" J. R. Torrey Co, "Our 136", Worcester, MA, Shoulderless, Full Hollow Ground, Square Point
STROP: none
SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
AS: Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla After Shave Lotion
RESULT: Wonderful shave


Have a nice week,
Fido said:
Good to see you again Mikael!

Halk said:
Mikael - Properly shaven, looks full of joy.
Mikael's wife - Properly shaven husband and properly shaving husband, looks happy as can be.
Mikael's son/brother/friend - Not properly shaven, merely content.

Draw your own conclusions!

Dr Rick said:
Who shaves the barber? Nobody, it seems.

Thank you Peter! It seems like everyone in Turkey doesn't shave every day (well, some old timers seemed to do it, but loads of guys had that stubbly look, it was kind of nice to have a two day growth when going to the barber, but it never felt okay in between :)).
Quick and lazy shave this morning: cold face wash, Noxzema cocoa butter from a spray can, Feather Artist Club with a dozen-shave-old Pro blade (been in since the beginning of August), Blighty's Red Ginger afterwards. One pass, five minutes, perfectly acceptable.

Haircut, shower and then

Feather AC SS
Feather Pro Blade
Edwin Jagger Silvertip Brush
Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap

Prep L'Occitane Soap
Razor Vintage Hishikaku Kamisori Western Style
Brush Simpson M7 LE Finest Silvertip
Vito's Coconut & Almond
Alum & Witch Hazel
Clinique Moisturiser
Creed Santal Edt


Perfect start to my day, two pass shave BBS.


Sunday 21st October 2012
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Type E(3)
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Turkish No. 6
Soap: Tabac
Aftershave: Wilkinson Sword Sensitive

A return to the more aggressive E type and this time no weepers.

My very first use of Tabac. I purchased a refill stick as it was far cheaper and grated it into a container. It really does live up to it's reputation as a great performer but the certainly is odd!


Merkur 34C
Shark SS
Omega 49
Valobra Menthol Soft Soap
Vifrex Dopobarba (last of the tube)

Great shave. I big old menthol crystal came out the last of the tube of Vifrex so application felt cooler than usual.

I'm so happy with the performance of my Omega 49 I'm thinking about re-purchasing a 20102 seen here:


Merkur 37C slant
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (1)
Godrej luxury / original cream
Penhaligons brush
DR Harris pink aftershave

Needed a big hungry razor to move 3 days growth but didn't want the concentration that goes with an R41. Slant it was, with some Curtis Mayfield and Bobby Womack, relaxing and pleasant with a really smooth finish.
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