SOTD: Saturday 1 June - Friday 7 June 2024.

Another good shave, ended with a budget copy of Tom Ford's Hombre Leather.
This is a pretty good likeness although the lower strength and projection disappoints.

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Fat Tech gold (1953)
Blade: Winfield Super Stainless
Brush: Men Rock Unknown. Probably synthetic
Lather: Nanny's Cream of the Croap Moroccan Sands
Aftershave: Clive Dorris Ombre Leather
Razor = Occams Oren ***
Blade = Feather Pro Guard ( 2 )
Brush = Highlander Tsr 2023 Le Boar
Soap = Maestro Miche Zihuatanejo
with matching splash.
Balm = Nivea Rehydration Moisturiser
IMG_1802.jpegGreat shave tonight and decided to go with the Oren for a second time in a row which is unusual for me but i need to stop losing blades so i might just use it regular until the blades done.
Another Shave with the Maestro Miche & the wonderful Highlander Brush
Enjoy your weekend when it comes & don’t do anything i wouldn’t
SOTD Thu 6 Jun 2024

A different, Day Day, shave
Prep - hot shower, lather face wash
Cream - Proraso Blue
Brush - Yaqi 28mm synthetic
Razor - Gillette Tech (French, 50’s maybe)
Blade - Racer Platinum Class (3)
Post - lather remains face wash, cold rinse
Splash - homemade (witch hazel and essential oils), Forest Fresh ASL
Balm - Nivea Replenishing PSB
Fragrance - Jeff&Co Carbon EDT

So, there I was, bemoaning the fact that I only had 1 little Tech and scouring the bay for another when I get a message from fine moderator of this parish and fellow Sunderland dweller @Tony'schin saying that he had a couple of surplus Tech’s that I could have if I wanted. Of course I agreed and he dropped them off a couple of days ago. Upon opening the box he left I found a veritable cornucopia of goodies, two Techs (1 English and 1 French), an Ever Ready 1912 (ooh, get me, proper shaving - if I can work up the nerve), a couple of creams, some soap samples, blades and the biggest brush I’ve ever seen (28mm). What a generous chap, what a wonderful place this is!
Anyway, I thought that, given the day, the French Tech might be appropriate, and very nice it was. To me it seemed slightly more efficient than my 70’s aluminium and I had to be a little more careful but a very fine finish was achieved, and yes, that brush is certainly big, 1 swipe on each side of my face and I was well lathered! Excellent result.

Woofles seems to be a bit under the weather today, so I’ve given her the night off. Normal service should be resumed soon, I hope!
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So, there I was, bemoaning the fact that I only had 1 little Tech and scouring the bay for another when get a message from fine moderator of this parish and fellow Sunderland dweller @Tony'schin saying that he had a couple of surplus Tech’s that I could have if I wanted. Of course I agreed and he dropped them off a couple of days ago. Upon opening the box he left I found a veritable cornucopia of goodies, two Techs (1 English and 1 French), an Ever Ready 1912 (ooh, get me, proper shaving - if I can work up the nerve), a couple of creams, some soap samples, blades and the biggest brush I’ve ever seen (28mm). What a generous chap, what a wonderful place this is!

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Leonidam Horus Silvertip Badger;
Cream: Pinaud Clubman
Razor: Blutt BR-1
Blade: Iridium Super BN-84 (5)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Pinaud Clubman After Shave Lotion
Scent: Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve Cologne
So, there I was, bemoaning the fact that I only had 1 little Tech and scouring the bay for another when I get a message from fine moderator of this parish and fellow Sunderland dweller @Tony'schin saying that he had a couple of surplus Tech’s that I could have if I wanted. Of course I agreed and he dropped them off a couple of days ago. Upon opening the box he left I found a veritable cornucopia of goodies, two Techs (1 English and 1 French), an Ever Ready 1912 (ooh, get me, proper shaving - if I can work up the nerve), a couple of creams, some soap samples, blades and the biggest brush I’ve ever seen (28mm). What a generous chap, what a wonderful place this is!

Well played @Tony'schin!
Friday 7 June
Staying with Schick but a few years younger than the repeater it’s an E3 injector from early 40s. Second use of the Schick blade and a fine shave ensued after application of a generous lathering with the superb Desert Vetiver. The result was a close shave, not to the point of irritation but just enough for comfort and a big smile. All hail colonel Schick!
Have a great day fellas, don’t forget, it’s POETS day!

SOTD: 07/06/2024

Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild 20, 10th use
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3
Bowl: Kikier Ceramic Bowl
Preshave: Martin De Candre Huile Végétale - Camomille et Citron Oil
Soap: Mitchell’s Wool Fat Puck
Aftershave: Old Spice Original Aftershave
Additional Care: Osma Alum
Additional Care: Cold Water

Have a sunny day!
Friday 7th June
Schick I1 - Personna Stainless #1 - DScosmetic T4 Synthetic - Signature Soaps Not Top Secret - Superdrug Sierran Breeze AS - Aloe Vera Gel

My recently acquired injector, with thanks to Mike, aka @mpf9ret. It can take twin blades but actually I wanted to try it with a single blade to compare with the G and E which have similar length handles, which I actually prefer.
The soap was generously gifted to me by Brian, after I told him about seeing Chris wax lyrical about his top secret soap, eventually revealed as coconut. I mentioned to Brian there aren't many coconut scents available. He did reply, saying that he is releasing new scents and coconut will be included
The label was Brian's!!!
PS! Don't tell @Satanfriendly
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