SOTD: Saturday 14 - Friday 20 September 2024.

The Wickham produced a surfeit of lather with this floppy brush.


Had a go with this Astra 501 clone from the eighties which I bought a year or two ago but remember finding it unpleasant to shave with. Thought I'd give it another go.
It feels scrapey at any angle but is quite mild so requires a few passes to get a decent shave. This mildness is something I prefer as long as the experience is pleasant. But it wasn't particularly enjoyable. No irritation and a close result in the end but the sides of the blade overhang the razor head and I ended up with a small cut on my cheek.

Rating: 3 / 5

Razor: TOCHP Utro
Blade: London Bridge Modern
Brush: Henkverhaar (TSR) badger brush Walnut Silvertip
Lather: Wickham Scottish Heather
Additional Care:
Myrsol Antesol
SOTD Sun 15 Sep 2024

Ssssunday, ssshhave
DSCosmetic green bowl
TFS traditional soap
DSCosmetic G7 brush
Merkur 38C razor
Racer Platinum Class blade
Homemade splash (witch hazel and essential oils)
Monte & Wilde bergamot & cedarwood moisturising aftershave

Been dropping things all day, tremors and arthritis combining to try and ruin my day. But no, I can cope, I did manage a shave, I did! By using items which were big enough and heavy enough to hang onto even with poor grip (SWMBO reckons I’ve been losing my grip for years, but there you go!) The Merkur Barberpole and the DSCosmetic G7 came to my rescue, like The Lone Ranger and Tonto (before your time? How about The Cisco Kid and Pancho, no? Starsky and Hutch, still nothing? Never mind!) Perhaps my tremors were useful here because the Italian almond soap was amazing, really thick and creamy. It had peaks, peaks I tell you, like meringue (no, yer reet - sorry, geordie joke, ignore it!) The final outcome being a smooth, moisturised and fragrant visage with no damage whatsoever! I mentioned to her indoors that maybe my tremors would help with playing the mandolin, she, practical as ever, retorted “You don’t have a mandolin!” - No, but I do have an eBay account, so there!
Sandalwood SEptember

Sunday 15th September


The White Company (Vintage) Shaving Bowl & Semogue SOC Taj Pure Bristle
Leaf Twig (Prism) & Derby Premium (2)
Drakkar Noir Aftershave

Switched to the Premium ...

Last weekend I ran the Derby Extra against the Premium back to back in this razor and this is the second run on each of those blades. Tonight, the Extra performed exceptionally well in the Twig. Exceptionally. Better than the Premium? Better? Dunno ... but certainly smoother. It's sharp enough and a smooth run; in many respects very much like the Treet Platinum to my face. I'll use the Premium tomorrow with the same setup, but sure I'll find what I found last week which is (if they are indeed different blades) that the Premium is sharper and therefore not quite as smooth.

... and confirmed! To my face, the Extra is a smoother blade and the Premium a sharper.

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep 3P Pre shavecream.
Brush Shave Factory Omega Boar.
Soap Soap Commander Respect.
Razor Blackland Sabre V2 lvl3.
Blade Gem (6).
Post shave Johnny Bravo love potion.
Aftershave Jean paul gaultier Male dupe.

A complete back to square 1 tonight with the Sabre.
I kept the plate on my face at all times and used shorter strokes, it paid off as I had no scraping or tender points.
The shave was pretty good and I am more than happy to stick with this and then play with the angle possibly once the general technique is right.
I won't be chasing the bbs finish anymore.
The Soap commander base is excellent and the scent I like, it is a nice shaving soap.
That's it for now from me and enjoy the night everyone.

Johnny Bravo Do The Monkey With Me GIF
SOTN (Head & Face)

Face - Rockwell 6S (plate 6), Lord Classic Green
Head - Aylsworth Apex AL6063, Astra SP
HC&C/Tobin Throwbacks Opulence Harbinger - soap & splash
HC&C Dickel brush with 'Dragonslayer'/ Oumo ST1 knot
Thayer's Rose
Eclat Post Shave Balm

For anyone out there concerned this new 'Red Rock' base might not be as good as 'Top Shelf', especially seeing as it's vegan, trust me you have nothing to worry about...nothing at all !

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