SOTD : Saturday 20 August - Friday 26 August 2022.

my first vintage razors were Valet, numerous available on the net and I liked the idea of stropping a blade, remember my Dad doing this with his Rolls razor.
Original blades not now being available I first tried Feather FHS10 as the recommended option, although these don’t work with VB2 and VC2 (mid 20s to mid 30s). I found the shave grim with this blade to say the least. So moved on with a GEM, suitably fettled. For me these are as good as it gets, smooth, no tugging, bliss!
So, today for no other reason that I thought I needed to bottom out the Feather blade question, I decided to compare my VC4 (40s to early 50s) with the Feather blade and my VB1 (20s to early 30s) with the GEM.
Taylor Sandlewood soap with boar bristle gave a great lather as always, sad to say after a few short passes with the VC4 and not wishing further damage to my face I switched to the VB1 and finished with a couple of passes and no drama.
Can anyone say why the Feather and GEM blades can perform so differently? I really don’t think it’s the razor, although to be fair I would need to fit a GEM in the VC4 to be really sure. This would require either flattening the stubs in the VC4 razor closure or somehow drilling holes in the GEM first. I’m inclined to flatten the stubs.
I think it’s probably because the Feather Hi-Stainless aren’t highly regarded. They never last with me. I use them in my VC3; and it does take a bit work to get anything beyond an acceptable finish.
Razor = Phantom Blue by PAA
Blade = King C Gillette ( 2 )
Brush = Simpsons T3
Soap = Wickhams Scottish Heather
Splash = Myrsol Blue
Balm = L’oréal Hydra Power
Bit of a late one for me today iv been out with son & Grandson all day & a great day was had.
I wasn’t going to bother shaving but couldn’t help myself.
It wasn’t my usual first class shave but was decent anyway, although i wasn’t enjoying the razor as i normally do.
Whether it was the pairing with the gillette blade i guess i’ll never know.
This soap is fantastic, not as strong a scent as i normally like however once lathered up it does develop somewhat.
I can’t fault the shave really, not a bbs but a dam fine shave nonetheless.
Onwards & Upwards
Stay Safe Boys
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Going to a 1940's day out at Lytham this afternoon and a start to the day with a shave themed, 'Neat, Neat Elite'

And if Captain Sensible can tell you 'He loves you all', then believe me, so do I

Neat - Stainless Mongoose
Neat and tidy - Schick Proline
Neatly presented - Wee Whiskey Barrel
Neat Neat Elite - Floris Elite soap
Bloody elitist - Floris Elite EDC
'Ahhhh. Tastes like aftershave'

A first time out for the Floris Elite and what a cracking soap. Lathers so damn easily and with a beautiful airy scent. A great medium to dig a blade into in the name of moving facial fluff. A happy purchase from the other day.

They did give me an EDC sample of the same in the shop and so impressed, on to AllBeauty and ordered a 100ml bottle. That is most of my exercise in saving £1 coins for the past year over and done with. It is my way of purchasing shaving products and any other goodies so I don't wade in to everyday money. Back to saving for next year.

The Mongoose? Does exactly what it is supposed to do. Shave. And it does it in a superbly efficient and smooth manner.

An elite finish and wonderfully smooth to enjoy the day.

And enjoy we did. An absolutely smashing day out in the sunshine while being very 1940's. At least we made some kind of an effort to be as 1940's as possible.

Mother-in-law, family friend Edward, et moi

So for a complete change I am not going to end on the usual Japanese girly music. Today it just has to be some 40's swing

I lied

Have a great week ahead you lovely shaving people

SOTD: 21/08/2022

Razor: Yaqi The Final Cut Brass
Blade: Pol Silver Super Iridium, 3rd use
Brush: Shedeleven Spalted Scottish Hawthorn AP Shave Co G5C 26mm Fan
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato Croap
Aftershave: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato Aftershave
Balm: L’Oreal Men Expert Reinforcing Aftershave Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

A lovely final shave before setting off for a week in the caravan. I think the Pol Silver maybe a little too much for this razor it by this 3rd use it was as smooth a shave as I’ve had! This is my favourite soap from A&E and the nearest I have to being completed, of all the soaps I have this is the one I could use day in and day out and never miss another. Enjoy the week guys.