SOTD: Saturday 25 May - Friday 31 May 2024.

'Hurrah, hurrah!' I heard you cheer. However just when you thought I'd gone my merry way and SOTD's were once again safe from my gross stupidity, depravity and bliss ignorance, I reappear.

Where have I been?

I have spent the last four days rueing and churning over @Mike Smart and his attempt to give a theme of sorts to his shave without any form of authority or due qualification. Mr Smart, I am very willing to help you through the process to become an authorised person in theming. I will send my bank account details in due course.

Imagine your name here?

Ahem. Hence I am very honoured to present you with my last four shaves and all sharing the common theme, 'Smart Mike and the quest for the holy snail'

Monday - in cooperation with the OBR (Office for Balancing Razors)

A themed razor - Stainless Mongoose
A Smart blade - Feather Professional
Michael the brush - Steven Jagger 30mm Cashmere
Snail soap - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos
Thematic moisturiser - L'Occitane Cade balm
Certified perfume - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos

I must cut these short so that much to your disappointment they may never appear.

A cracking shave and duly qualified to be themed in some way. Krokos? Brilliant
'Theming lesson one'

Tuesday - In cooperation with the 'Not quite so finely balanced (but not too shoddy an attempt) razors department'

L'Escargot le razor - Lambda Athena
Snail mail - Polsilver Lodz
Brian the snail brush - Highlander Marine AFC
Blek le rat - Alvarez Gomez Barberia
Blek le snail - L'Occitane Cade balm
Blek le smell - Van Cleef Ambre Imperial
'Theming lesson two'

And to think I nearly put this razor on the BST. How stupid. A Greek God

A first bit of Japanese girly music for this SOTD

Who? Pretty cruddy

Wednesday - No balancing involved in this shave

The, I fell over razor - Occams Enoch
Don't fall on this - Feather Professional
Unbalanced brush - PAA Peregrino
Italian balancing soap - Proraso
Barmy balanced balm - Proraso
The ladies fell over - Guerlain Homme

'Theming lesson three'.......there isn't one

A blade on its last legs shaves a man on his last legs. A decent enough showing from a half dead blade for a man who may well be past his 'sell by' date.....a long time ago

Steropony? Why, thank you for asking

Thursday - Unbalanced

Mike, join the dark side - Tatara Nodachi
I am your father - Polsilver Lodz
Starbrush trooper - Highlander LE TSR
Show me your helmet - Signature Londinium
Welcome to the smooth side - Collagen
Smell the power - Floris Limes

Wrong scent in the photo because I am useless. Another blade ready to throw its hand in, but that seems to be the general theme for this past week so why change a thing.

The new Floris Limes? A sure fire Sumner winner. Just, what summer?

And all because I love this lady, and milk tray. See you later folks

Oh. And since I have several pages to peruse through giving, loves, thumbs up and ha ha ha's, can you please give each of yourselves a big love from me because I can't be arsed to go through them all. Thank you
Awesome Mr Satan.

Pre - Dove Original Beauty Cream Bar
Brush - Simpson Chubby 2 Synth
Soap - Ariana & Evans Asian Plum
Razor - Hone 15S
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Macdui
A/S - Barbour "2016" EDT

Yes, i do like this razor.
Enjoy your day all.
Friday 31 May
And so the month’s end arrives, windy chilly but a High moving in for the weekend. Time to clean out the barbecue?
But first a shave. I was drawn to buy my latest vintage razor due to its similarity to the FlatBoy of Razorine fame. A 1930s flat baseplate double edge safety razor maybe made in either Germany or Italy by G&C. However, It predates the FlatBoy by decades and is oc compared to sb. The only clue to its maker is a small stamp on the head with the initials G&C. It was once silver plated but is now mostly polished back to brass. I loaded a Brazilian Wilki, 6th use and set to work after first applying a good layer of ARKO. The shave angle is critical, pressure is also a factor which when taken together with angle will offer a mild to aggressive shave. A sharp blade is essential. I got dfs from just one wtg pass. Then close to bbs after atg on my cheeks plus some pick ups.
This type of flat head razor is quite rare and clearly didn’t catch on which isn’t really surprising as this is not really a razor for someone new to wet shaving. However, I did enjoy it especially as a first attempt. I will use it again and then compare it with my FlatBoy.
Have a great fellas!

31 May

Sterling Campania
Simpson Chubby 2
Feather AS-D1
Feather Hi-Stainless
Men’s Grooming Vetiver and Sandalwood balm
Paco Rabanne 1 Million

I love the brush, I love the razor and I love the scent of the soap. The soap created a beautiful lather with the synthetic Chubby and the Feather with its Feather blade produced a fabulously close shave. The Feather is a razor that needs a certain angle, but, when you find it, it’s a hot knife through butter. Good stuff.
Brilliant Observational Language Leaning On Credentials for Knowledgable Shaving
Been feeling crap (coldy) all week and haven't shaved, which only makes it worse. When you've several days growth to dispose of you can't beat an open blade, even though I wasn't in the right frame of mind for wielding such. Got my Baurmann extra hollow out. A pretty good result, although I gave in to the temptation to tidy up one or two spots with my Hawk V3A. Using another razor after a straight annoys me, as I feel like I cheated, or didn't do well enough. Jeez why am I so hard on myself ffs?
A German "Flat Blade" razor!!!

A Single Ring knockoff that usually shaves nicely, I've got a Flat Blade, (that's what I call them) but it's the more normal three piece design. It's strange that some sell cheap on the bay while others command much higher prices, I don't get it. I wish I could find more on this side of the world.
I got this one here for £22 on the bay, I like unusual razors and enjoy using them. First one I’ve seen. It looks well used so previous owner(s) must have got plenty of use out of it.
This one felt like it wanted to bite but never did even as open comb. What has been your experience using this type? Atb Alan
I haven't used the Men Rock blades before and won't again. Harsh and not anywhere near sharp enough. Couldn't manage a full pass with one.
Switched it for a Shark blade which had been used before. May not have been the best idea after the face suffered the Men Rock. Probably should have switched to a fresh blade as this seemed to tail off a bit towards the end.

Rating: 3 / 5

Razor: (BORROWED) Eclipse Red Ring
Blade: Men Rock Super Stainless
Brush: Men Rock Unknown. Probably synthetic
Lather: Martin de Candre Lavender
Aftershave: Superdrug Forest Fresh

I saw that razor on eBay. I have a razor that looks a bit like yours but is a 3 piece razor like a Tech. My one is quite mild like a Tech though, maybe a touch less.

I have no idea who made mine, I presume you don't too. I quite like these mystery vintage razors.
@TobyC believes it’s a German “Flat Blade” single ring knock off. Could be as they did make a Gillette single ring look alike razor.