SOTD: Saturday 29 June - Friday 5 July 2024.

SOTD: 30th June 2024.


Shaving Recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Cien Moisture Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Cien PURE Fragrance Free Sensitive Bar Soap.
Brush: APShave Co 24mm Cashmere Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Tesco's Ceramic 'Cosmo' Side Bowl.
Lather: La Toja Shaving Stick.
Blade: Treet Platinum. (D1)
Razor: Parker 92R.

Cold Water Face Rinse./Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, /Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse./Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.5 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With Care+Witch Hazel./ Superdrug Sierran Breeze ASL./ Cien Men Sensitive ASB.


Relaxing Sunday morning shave.

The mildly aggressive 92R cut through my stubble with effortless ease.

A comfortable close shave to finish the month off superbly. In July I will be doing a focus with all my Gillette & Wilkinson Sword DE razors pairing them up with a variety of blades that I haven't had in my blade rotation for quite some time.

Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Cien Men Sensitive ASB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

Keep safe and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
Shavette Sunday
Pre - Dove Original Cream Bar
Brush - Razorock 400 Plissoft Syn
Soap - 1912 Classic 24
Razor - Feather ACSR-RBL
Blade - Kai Captain Protouch MG
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Lomond & Cinnamon & Patchouli Lotion
A/S - Barbour "2016" EDT
Wk 27  (2).jpg
I Find the Feather SR sits in between the SS and DX making it a very smooth efficient razor. Today fitted with the Guarded KAI it had me comfortable and BBS in 2 passes.
Enjoy your day all.
SOTD: 30/06/2024

Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather ProGuard - 15, 9th use
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3
Bowl: Kikier Ceramic Bowl
Preshave: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements The Cube 2.0 Scentless Soap
Soap: Taylor Of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street Collection Cream
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum Aftershave
Additional Care: Osma Alum
Additional Care: Cold Water

Have a fine Sunday!
Sunday 30 June

The PILS again this time with a couple of shims. An already great razor moved up a notch and another excellent shave and bbs finish. This time also with less faffing anround under chin pick ups. Of course it may be just getting used to the razor makes for an easier job. :unsure:
M De C Fougere such a creamy subtle but distinct scented soap. Love it! The Rubberset brush is unusually tiny for this make but now with a synthetic knot where probably the original had the long bristles distinct of Rubberset brushes? The handle need some tlc on its coating, another job on my list.

Enjoy the last day of “flaming” June fellas !

LPL Cedar/Patchouli
SOC Cherrywood boar
Ern Crown & Sword 5/8ths hollow
Mongoose B2
LPL Aftershave

Lazy Sunday morning shave, first pass with the straight which proven a bit draggy so only did cheeks and neck finished second pass with the Mongoose. Will refresh the straight with 3 micron diamond paste on a cotton strop. Have a lazy Sunday too, right off to get a whole chicken on the rotisserie on the Weber BBQ for lunch.
30 June

Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Simpson Chubby 2
Rex Ambassador
Treet Platinum
Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso

A very good, close and comfortable Sunday shave. As I had found the razor/blade a bit rougher than I would have liked yesterday I turned the razor down to 2 and a very smooth performance resulted without a reduction in efficiency. A world class razor. Excellent stuff.
SOTD 30-June
Brush: Zenith - MOAR Boar
Soap: SBS - Trouble Maker
Razor: Atelier Durdan - Vestige
Post: SBS Trouble Maker AS & B&M Lavender Interupted EDP

Well here it is, the final shave of the games. Today's effort is World Traveller, so the aim is to shave with items that don't originate from your country of residence. Not particularly difficult living in Wales as the only gear I have is some Folk Soap from way back.

So here I'm representing a few US states for the software (NY, VA and NE), Veyron France with the razor and finally Palermo Italy for the brush. I had tried to go for different countries for each bit of software initially but I just didn't have a matching EDP that would cover it so went all software from the states

For the final photo treasure hunt, I give you football. Being world traveller day, then why not go for the most popular sport in the world. It meets the theme, trust me!

So that's all folks, it's done and dusted for another year.

Have a grand day all!


My first entry for this new week of SOTD's arrives in pixilated format so that you can read it, otherwise it might look......


And you are wishing that is about as much as you want me to post, but being the irritant I am...

This shave has been awarded the theme, 'Irritating'


An irritably named razor - Occams Enoch
Irritation free blade - Schick Proline
Not a scritchy brush - Highlander Marine AFC
Irritating plastic tub - Signature Condate
Anti irritant liquid - Witch Hazel
Make me not irritating cream - Collagen
That is not possible - Bath House Cuban Cedar and Lime

According to the Bootle English Scouse Dictionary

adjective: irritating
  1. 1.
    causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger.
    "an irritating person like Mr Satanfriendly"

  2. causing irritation to a body part.
    "the substance may be irritating like Mr Satanfriendly"

    'It says here I am certified as the most irritating man on the planet. Well, I don't agree with that one bit'

    A shave report which has ended up being very centralised with the text and is irritating me no end. If you are not in agreement then just jolly well go away.
And if you did go away, you are now welcome to return as normal service has been returned. We have assumed control, we have assumed control.

A blindingly brilliant shave, but what more could one expect from a bunch of very competent shaving accoutrements like these. The Enoch despite its naff name is one very overlooked and superb razor. Yes it might fall apart, yes it's about as crap as it comes with blade loading, but everything being good it is fast, accurate, efficient and just all round fucking awesome. And since I'm in an effing awesome mode. The brush and soap, yes they are.

Irritating? Sod that one. It's just me who is, and unfortunately unlike my shaving odds and ends which go back in the cabinet, I don't.

'Mrs Satanfriendly. I promise wash my dirty steenking bristles down the seenk. Please let me out. I love you mucho'

Some irritating music? Thank you

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