SOTD: Saturday April 8 - Friday 14 April 2023.

Mon 10th April

Alpha Classic G4 28mm
Ach Brito Mogno
Schick Super 11
Schick Super 11 Ultrex twin blade ( 7 )
Pitralon Classic A/S Lotion

While away I had such a nice Shave yesterday with this Cart, while testing it as a Travel Razor. In fact when unpacking I decided to use it again today and again was a great success.Never thought I would be singing the praise of a Cartridge Razor, but the it is Schick of the 70’s.

Monday AM 2023-04-10
National Spy Day

Rooney 3/1 Ebony Finest (22/48)
Crabtree & Evelyn Almond Oil shaving cream (vintage)
Schick Krona
Wilkinson London Bridge (4)
RazoRock R-160 Sweet Almond aftershave balm

I love almond. The old cream made great lather with a wonderful scent, and the balm was soothing and also has an excellent aroma. And the Krona gave me a shave that was nearly as close and smooth as those of my much more expensive modern razors.
Lucky dip blade shave today, no more WS blades to try just yet.

Omega Boar Brush
Hampshire lanolin No2
Fatip Slant
ASCO ( Egyptian made blade I believe)
Nivea Fresh Kick

No dramas again, stuck to the tested soap and razor combo again, getting good results with the fatip.

Overall no complaints, did the job effectively. Sharpness not bad, smoothness was acceptable not as smooth as the WS but better than lets say a London Bridge, and I suspect the next shave will be another improvement.

I would shave with them if I had them, but most likely won't be a keeper as I have just found a few blades better suited to me. I would say worth a run out if you hany lying around
Monday 10th April


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Wickham 1912 South Sea Spray Shaving Soap & Omega Tricolore 26mm
Gillette Labs Neon Night & Gillette Labs Cartridge (1)
Blue Stratos Aftershave

There's a tendency for shaving discipline to go out of the window with these multi-blade cartridge razors as you merrily fly the thing around your face in all manner of directions. If you do maintain good shave discipline, the cartridge feels to stick to the face and that one pass shave won't need any touch-ups. Super-efficient shave with the Gillette Labs format. It should be, what with five blades doing the work.

Very fly!

SOTD: 11th April 2023.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Body + Face Wash.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Brown Synthetic. (Faux Horse)
Bowl Lather.
Bowl : Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Monsavon Au Lait Shaving Soap.
Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum. (D1)
Razor: Merkur 39C.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse/Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Brut Attraction Totale ASL./Aloe vera Gel.


Early morning Shave,

The Monsavon Au Lait as always provided me with a wonderful protective slick lather for the shave leaving an excellent post shave feel.

Another close comfortable 2 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report. finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Aloe Vera Gel.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine. ;)

Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen. :cool:
SOTD 11-Apr
Brush: Dogwood DG B16
Soap: Sir Henry Kentucky Rain
Razor: CG Level 3
Blade: Rubie (1)
Post: Sir Henry Kentucky Rain

Very good shave this morning, could perhaps have done with a GSB or Wiz in this razor though, felt a little rough on the ATG pass, or at least a second run Rubie rather than fresh. Still very good finish.

Excellent Kentucky Rain, smells good and very good performance. Still prefer the sandalwood but this one won't get kicked out of the den!

Hope everyone has a grand day.


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My giddy aunt, I can't even remember what day of the week it is. I thought today was Sunday and I was trying to work out how I'd managed two shaves in one day. And I then I realised I've got shit for brains. So this evening's sink frolicking time arrives with the theme, 'Terry Fuckwitt'



My uncle lamppost - Yaqi Excalibur
Goat blade - Feather Super Professional
Bucket of brushes - AP Shaving 24mm Cashmere
A jar of shaving beans - Extro Arzachena
I'm as soft as....can't remember - Simple moisturiser

'You'll be pleased to know you are now officially stupid. And I am officially a podiatrist'

Officially the Excalibur is one super bit of cheap SE razor and probably the best way in to the world of wider, thicker blades. It is so easy just to think 'Another piece of cheap rubbish' but it is actually a long way from it. The prize for cheap rubbish goes to me.

A positive start with the Arzachena (A nearly fit for the 'finished' thread) using the AP brush and it was a shame it all had to be removed. On second thoughts I'd look a right jerk if I didn't. But I did have to think twice about a second thought as I am happy to look stupid. Spent a lifetime doing that.

Bring the Excalibur in to play and a most wonderful bit of shaveology endured. Perfection. Big grin. And happiness prevailed. Simple things for Simple minds and all that.

I see there is one being piffed at the moment. Go for it is all I can say.

Have a great week you fantastic forum folk and I leave you with some Aldious and the beautiful Yoshi. But I will admit I am slowly being swayed towards the other guitarist Toki and her pretty pink V's. Bollocks, just give me all of them...

Tue 11
Soap & Aftershave RazoRock XXX
Brush Yaqi 24mm Ruby Tuxedo
Razor Marshes & Shepherd Ponds Works, Sheffield 1st Use
The soap's lather & splash + brush were on point!
Another antique SR acquisition with a tailor-made scale. This near-wedge razor's jnat edge is soft buttery smooth and keen too.
3 enjoyable passes for a bbs-dfs finish...
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