The Valynor Has Arrived...

Just got back a few days ago from holidaying in E. Canada...great trip, I'd never been there before. I received notice that my razor had landed at the PO. I called and asked them to hang onto it for a few days longer un til I got home. Nae problem.
Very simply packaged and I didn't uncover the ring, apparently that was found by Luigi, in Rome.
First shave, I paired it up with a Nacet which had a few shaves on it. The razor is nicely balanced and a good weight. No slips with this handle.
I used Tabac shave cream and a re-knotted DaniDom boar brush. This brush is gonna need some work to break it in, but doesn't seem inclined to shed like the original knot.
The razor, to me, has ZERO blade feel on the WTG pass. It was like shaving without a blade. Just whipped through. There was a bit of feel/audio on the ATG pass. Very comfortable, easy to use and I like the looks. Took 2.5 passes, the .5 being going over the neck again and some problem. A good shave and lasted the day. I would not be as cavalier with my R41 or Flatboy as I am with this razor.
It's just easy to use and not particularly expensive. The quality is nice and everything goes together properly. It disassembles without issue and rinses clean.
It's fun to use and I like the looks (LOTR vibes aside).
So I'm going to try something next shave. I'm gonna employ a shim from an old blade. Just to see if it increases the efficiency/feel of the razor. Now don't get me wrong there's really nothing wrong but I'm curious if I can increase the efficiency a bit.
Well, as I said before I was going to try a shim and it worked. I was able to feel the blade a bit more and there was some audio feedback...PLUS the shave was more efficient and I don't need to shave today. There's some grit but not worth chasing with another shave. A great fix for a razor I like.
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