Vintage DE advice/suggestions

Hi all, I have had a few shaves with a new to me 50s Tech and have been suitably impressed, and definitely a keeper.

It got me thinking, is there a similar mild shaving vintage razor that is just physically a bit bigger/heavier?

Not looking to break the bank and far have been keeping an eye on an aristocrat and a super speed, just wondering what else is out there?

The razor head is going to be much the same given it will be holding the same sized blades. That, and pretty much a huge stack of vintage was just a copy of Gillette. That said, the Gillette Hybrid Tech is a tad heavier as it has a solid raised bar underneath the head. I love mine. What I've done is pair it to a modern stainless steel handle which gives it a lot of weight.

It is a rare thing to come across, though ... and expect to pay!


Another thought would be the Gillette New Improved/New Standard razor ... the Bostonian is a heavy beast:


... or go twist to open (TTO) and look for a British Rocket HD with a thicker (and heavier) than usual handle:

Brilliant, thanks for the responses. Gives me a few options to look out for, it may well be just trying a bigger handle, good reason to add a fat handled tech to the list
If you snag a fat handle Tech, you can always add weight to the hollow handle by stuffing tungsten putty into it using a matchstick. Fishermen use the stuff for weighting bait and lines and other fishy stuff. Costs about a fiver for the right amount and adds about 20-25g to the handle. Useful extra weight that yields a nice balance and keeps the original look but the stainless handle option is great too.
Good idea on weighting the handle, easy to try as I'm sure I have some putty about.

I could make a handle easily enough to test that theory as well, be surised if the modern handles aren't metric and vintage imperial threads.

All good options
Good idea on weighting the handle, easy to try as I'm sure I have some putty about.

I could make a handle easily enough to test that theory as well, be surised if the modern handles aren't metric and vintage imperial threads.

All good options
The Gillette thread is imperial #10-32, and modern razors are mostly M5. The M5 is slightly larger in diameter, and although the thread pitches are the same or similar, an M5 handle onto an old Gillette head will have the latter rattling round and rather loose. Oddly enough, modern Italian Fatip razors, that might be expected to be M5, aren't, and accommodate the handles off my three-piece vintage Techs well.

Of course, the compatibility problem might be solved by re-cutting the threads, if only the diameters were the same; but they ain't, and it can't be done. Making inserts to convert M5 to fit smaller imperial is possible, but, having tried it, the results weren't very satisfactory.

Per @pjh 's last post, they will fit, but often have a tendency to unwind, however much the handle is snugged up. I have had problems with "things" coming undone, and one solution that usually works quite well is to put a compressible o-ring or washer on the baseplate post, and tighten up on that.
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That's what I thought. If I was to make a handle from scratch it would be no big deal to tap it 10/32 to suit the Gillette. If I ever get time there are bucket loads of bolts in work and a lathe to have mess about on.

Thanks for the info, saves me searching for thread sizes
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