Will you outlive your blades?

Haha, yes Chris is a young man and I expect he will outlive me by 20 year's or so, I will make sure he gets a chunk of my shaving supplies! :)
I've nobody in my family that will have the slightest interest in any of it. I must think about making a will before it's too late!
Take care my friend.


Mine will be something like this.

Shaving gear - yes
Money - no

Unless they like Techs and The Fat, it won't be of much interest to anyone else...
Do you have boxes marked Synthetic Brushes, Badger Brushes, Razors Tabs Enclosed, Razors Tabs Not Enclosed, Razors to Go,
Shaving Cream, Simpsons Shaving Cream, and an unmarked trunk for blades? - As you guessed, I do. Not proud of it.
Yep, sounds about right apart from the synthetic brushes!
It's kinda got a little out of control, what can I say, it's an illness I tell you! :)

Maybe we should start a national chain of "Chaps Banks" to provide shaving and writing implements for those Gentlemen who are struggling financially.
I don't think it works like that. If you work for something, you'll treasure it. Anyone who appreciates a fountain pen will already have at least one. You can buy 6 for £2.98 from Temu, and they are excellent. If you don't have one then you probably couldn't be bothered to put ink in, or don't know how.
I don't think it works like that. If you work for something, you'll treasure it. Anyone who appreciates a fountain pen will already have at least one. You can buy 6 for £2.98 from Temu, and they are excellent. If you don't have one then you probably couldn't be bothered to put ink in, or don't know how.
Ah, Guilty as charged M'Lud.

Since my schooldays i have avoided real ink at all costs and am nowadays a converted and dedicated Pentel Energel fan. I buy box's of refills and pens, particularly the fine tip ones.

Regrettably, a lifetime in IT means my typing speed is good, but i write like a child.
I'm somewhat older than @Steve, and I must have many thousands of blades of all sorts. I throw DE blades after 3 uses, and injectors/ACs etc after perhaps 8. At that rate on DEs, I'd use about 122 or so a year, which means that I probably have supplies for about two centuries or more. In which case, short of miracles, I won't outlive them.

My main wish is to NOT see my grandsons consign them to scrap, along with a very large razor collection which has taken me more than half a century to build up.
I have 48 brands. One of them, Treet Platinum, I have many thousands. Why? By buying wholesale, minimum 10,000, they cost me £2.50 per 100.
I'm 76. There is no hope of using them all, even one shave per blade.
10,000? You dropped £250 on Treet Platinums in a single hit? Strong effort, sir!

I must have ~10,000 blades in the den but multiple brands.
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