Will you outlive your blades?

I'm 73 years old, 74 in December and I have around 350 DE blades: at this time 95 Gillette Platinum which I use in my techs, 100 Silver Star used in my other razors, 49 injector used in my Schick L1 and new Supply SE and around 150 other DE blades waiting in the wings - Astra, Dorco, Lord, Shark. I get 4 shaves per blade and I shave every day so enough for nearly 4 years touch wood. However at this time I'm gravitating towards injector with which I get 8 shaves per blade so that's over a year. But my major concern is whether the free tv license will be removed just when I get to 75 and qualify for it.
I'm 73 years old, 74 in December and I have around 350 DE blades: at this time 95 Gillette Platinum which I use in my techs, 100 Silver Star used in my other razors, 49 injector used in my Schick L1 and new Supply SE and around 150 other DE blades waiting in the wings - Astra, Dorco, Lord, Shark. I get 4 shaves per blade and I shave every day so enough for nearly 4 years touch wood. However at this time I'm gravitating towards injector with which I get 8 shaves per blade so that's over a year. But my major concern is whether the free tv license will be removed just when I get to 75 and qualify for it.
I'm older than you are, and have ten times as many blades. I'm not worried about it. There are more pressing matters for me.
I looked at free licences for over 75s after reading your post. (license-verb, licence-noun). It turns out you need to be on pension Credit. I'm on pension. It's not important since I don't have the time to watch television. Lucky you if you do.
I'm older than you are, and have ten times as many blades. I'm not worried about it. There are more pressing matters for me.
I looked at free licences for over 75s after reading your post. (license-verb, licence-noun). It turns out you need to be on pension Credit. I'm on pension. It's not important since I don't have the time to watch television. Lucky you if you do.
Well, that's the Beeb for you. I can remember a time when it was worth watching. I watch mainly subscription TV such as NowTV (Sky) for which I need to have a TV license. Blades? Debatable! I'm torn between injector, single edge blades and double edge blades and I probably have more shaves stacked up in injector than I do double edge (single edge is a snapped double edge). At the time when injector was announced I dismissed them on the grounds that they are dirty razors: Mostly they never get cleaned - a b;lade gets blunt and a new blade in installed. Whereas with DE the razor is takem apart and cleaned when a new blade is inserted. But now I like injector.
Well, that's the Beeb for you. I can remember a time when it was worth watching. I watch mainly subscription TV such as NowTV (Sky) for which I need to have a TV license. Blades? Debatable! I'm torn between injector, single edge blades and double edge blades and I probably have more shaves stacked up in injector than I do double edge (single edge is a snapped double edge). At the time when injector was announced I dismissed them on the grounds that they are dirty razors: Mostly they never get cleaned - a b;lade gets blunt and a new blade in installed. Whereas with DE the razor is takem apart and cleaned when a new blade is inserted. But now I like injector.
Some models had a lever on the handle where you could open them up for cleaning, but not sure how common it is. I have five injector razors including one modern one and none have the cleaning lever.
I usually wedge the inejcotr dispenser key in without pushing in a blade to open up the head mechanism for cleaning.
I am only in my mid 50s and I don't have a ridiculous stockpile of blades, maybe 350 or so, including 40 ACSE which are good for 10 shaves a blade, so I think I'll probably get through my stash by 2030 or so. That said, I have several straight razors in my rotation for weekend use, so I could shave for the rest of my life on what I've got theoretically.
Approx 500 blades, 380 of which are Astra SP and the rest are a mix of stuff i have played with like Feathers, Derbys, Super Shave X and Wilkinson Sword.

I shave every 24 to 36 hours and tend to let it grow over the weekend if i can. An Astra SP gives me 3 good shaves before i can feel the edge going off. So a blade lasts about a week generally, which means i have nearly 10 years worth.

At my current age of 60 years young, i hope to retain my faculties long enough to get thru these blades and many more.

...........Before i deteriorate to the stage where the people around me take away my razor in the night and replace it with an electric one .... "its for the best ....... " o_O
During a moment of idleness, i quickly totted up my spend on DE blades and it comes to less than £85, in ten years. Even if i priced in the freebies and ones which came with razors, it would still be well under £100 in ten years of DE shaving. The Feathers made a big impact on this figure, at £25 for 100

I used to spend about £7 to £10 a month on Gillette Carts, as i recall, getting about 10 daily shaves from a cart before it noticeably went off and became uncomfortable.

All of this has tempted me to go out and buy some more DE blades :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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