Worst DE Blades

Post-2016 Derby upped their game and the regular green Extra became quite a different thing altogether. The Premium is still considerably better. I do agree, the old Derby were pretty rank and scored very lowly in my estimations. Perhaps a "one and done" but even that one was a bit poor. Functional. Now, it's an acceptable baseline blade.
I have a few tucks of 2016 Derby Extras left if anyone is feeling brave :eek: I bought them in 2016 and they are the vertical label ones, so am guessing are the old ones.

The good ones are half-decent and give a mild, but smooth, shave, but as i worked through the 100 i ordered i found them to be very random indeed, quality control wise. Some of them were truly "throw out after the first stroke" level of bad and some were perfectly good.

I would happily try the revised ones if i ever needed budget blades in the future.
I'm not keen on Supermax Stainless in the blue wrapper, or Lord Rainbow, but they do at least shave - unlike these:

View attachment 122661

I couldn't get a single shave out of them. It felt like dragging a rusty tin lid across my face.
I'm not particularly fussy about blades although I have preferences.
My advice is: Do Not Buy.
The is enough to put me off
New? Must mean “new cheap crap”:ROFLMAO:
Likewise, these things:

How cheap can you get not even stainless steel more crap from the same place.:ROFLMAO:
Hi, I received these purple Made In England "Nacet' along with an eBay purchase. I used one blade and it was horrendous - tugging and not sharp. I don't want to use again. I think they could be fake as they look nothing like the other Nacet I have been trying (which are excellent). Has anyone else seen or used these purple ones?
Never heard of these being made in England. I reckon you’re on it mate. Fake for sure.
I'm not keen on Supermax Stainless in the blue wrapper, or Lord Rainbow, but they do at least shave - unlike these:

View attachment 122661

I couldn't get a single shave out of them. It felt like dragging a rusty tin lid across my face.
I'm not particularly fussy about blades although I have preferences.
My advice is: Do Not Buy.
I actually like Rainbows, which is a good job as I bought 100 of them! Rockwells though are unredeemingly bad blades.
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