TSR 2015 LE Shavemac 2 band silvertip group buy

!73 shape is the bog standard popular one, of which I already have a few. Id like a different shape.

Deciding on the brush specs is easy if everyone is prepared to accept my exquisite taste and great expertise in such matters.

It's not about you or me for that matter, we both have Shavemacs already tailored to our tastes and needs.

It should be for members that possibly wouldn't dream of spending that much on a brush and be secure in the knowledge that the choices are made for the right reasons and not just taste therefore bog standard and plain coloured is just fine. As for pure fan shaped knots they're just dandy for first three months until they lose their shape entirely and then get sold on to some poor sap who knows no better, Jamies brush already looks like he could do the kitchen floor with it.
You are looking at the photo post shave Tony one day later on the shelf and that brush looks like it just came from Shavemac it's definitely not a knot that stays open there's enough density and stiffness in the two band hair to bring that knot back after every use, I use that brush a few times every week and I have been using the brush for more than two months that knot is never going to change.
It's all about members who may fall into the traps you dream of, Tony - of course it is! That is why they may choose to accept guidance from one who has experience of this brush maker. My recommendation would be for a brush that would perform superbly throughout the ages and suit a broad church of tastes - and especially mine.
I do have two of Bernd's custom made two band silvertip brushes so it's a bit unlikely I'd go for a third but would certainly agree with the many favourable comments on this and other forums. However everyone seems to have a preference about whether to go fan or bulb and then what diameter knot...and then what loft to match the diameter ...never mind what colour and design of handle..so the likelihood of everyone agreeing to one specification is possibly tricky. The 2015 Limited Edition Shave Nook Paladin 26x52 Butterscotch bulb brush seemed popular with the majority though and I gather there was no protracted negotiation about the specs of that. That one was £127 delivered to the UK.

My two band silvertip shavemacs cost £116 for the 24x50mm bulb and £127 for the 26x52 fan. Both delivered.

So £100 ish is the sort of figure that seems likely if a discount is granted.
Hi stan, long time no speak hope all is well and the nursing home shave program is going well. Finally you know you want a third ;)
I should be recieving a brown black in fan in the next week and I have the exact same dimensions in bulb so should be able to give everyone a better idea of looks. In the meantime heres a fan and bulb together :

Fan after 15 uses:

Bulb after 15 uses:

Fan after 3 uses:

Regardless of knot type, no problems with knot deformation with my brushes.

I find the bulb place lather directly to a spot and the fan spreads the lather more. The fan shaped knot also allows for easier lathering of the puck not that the bulb is difficult.
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