SOTD: Saturday 24 to Friday 30 December of 2022

Prep: ESC pre shave oil mixed with Proraso sensitive pre shave cream
Brush: ESC Medium Jock synthetic
Razor: Karve Overlander
Blade: Perma-Sharp Super (2)
Cream: Signature Soaps Valentia
PS 1: Ariana & Evans Cuban Highball

I tried to rush today, and paid the price; a nice close finish but it came at the cost of a little blade rash and a few weepers.

I am definitely loving the feel of the Overlander, but learned today it isn't idiot proof, and with a sharp blade in I still need to pay attention and take my time.
Decemboar Christmas Eve 2022

Pre - Palmolive Sea Minerals
Brush - Omega 10075
Soap - Kent/MWF
Razor - Ball End Tech
Blade - Shark Platinum (2)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Brut Sport Style

I'm not sure what it is about the Italian brush manufacturers, Zenith and Omega, but they really know how to make a quality boar brush. My Omega 10075 has been used for around 80 shaves or so, and it's broken in completely now. For the last 20 or so shaves, the knot is now not changing any more, it's quite soft but still quite scrubby, but it's still very enjoyable to build a lather with and I love the face feel.
The Shark Platinum on it's second day was ridiculously smooth in the BET, the blade seemed to glide across my face, not the smallest sign of resistance at any point during the shave.
I finished the shave with a few splashes of Brut Sport Style, which is the most recent Brut addition to my collection of Brut Splashes (Original, Oceans, and Musk - now gone). The Brut splashes are some of my favourite for post shave feel, and Sport Style is a lovely citrus style scent.
A really enjoyable shave even if it I had to complete it to rush out of the house to do a few bits of last minute Christmas shopping.

For those who celebrate their festivities on Christmas Eve, a very Merry Christmas to you!

And to our American cousins, I hope you are faring as well as can be with the terrible storm to hit your nation.

24 December, 2022

Prep: Hot towel
Razor: Rockwell 6S – #3
Blade: Astra SP
Brush: Shavemac 24/48 D01 2 Band
Soap: Barrister & Mann: Eventide ( Glissant )
Post: CeraVe moisturising lotion..
Fragrance:Saja by Loumari

an absolutely wonderful shave to kick off my Xmas.. I haven't used the Eventide or the Astra in quite a while, and I'd actually forgotten how flawless their performance is. The Eventide is in the Glissant base, if my memory serves me well, and performed even better than I remember, and the Astra makes me wonder why I stopped using it for so long.. Merry Xmas everyone.
Saturday December 24, 2022
Razor: Stirling Stainless DE/Dallas Handle
Blade: Euromax
Brush: Graydog Quilt/Synthetic
Soap: Sir Henry's Kentucky Rain
AS 1: Witch Hazel
AS 2: Sir Henry's Kentucky Rain
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,510

I don't know how many of these have sold and gone out the door but it should be a boatload. Extremely nice blend of the 3 scent notes stated (Rose,Bourbon and Leather) It's not heavy on the rose but just enough to be there for me. Well crafted blend of these @dominicr ! 2 passes on the face and 3 on the neck has me there with this aggressive razor even with the standard head. You can turn a tractor trailer around in the blade gap and it has blade feel for sure. Still a smooth shaver when technique is on and you are wide eyed andpaying attention. Up to 1 degree at the moment and heading to the double digits of 19 today, YAY !! Have a great day Everyone !!
Is there a fair hit of the bourbon and leather and does it linger for a while? I'd seen this the other day and was tempted.
Is there a fair hit of the bourbon and leather and does it linger for a while? I'd seen this the other day and was tempted.
I would say yes and yes to my nose. The Rose plays a backseat to the others and it does linger. I would think you'll like it but olfactory senses are so unigue for individuals I can't guarantee it. I will say I'm NOT a huge rose fan and enjoy this level. Hope that helps (y)
I would say yes and yes to my nose. The Rose plays a backseat to the others and it does linger. I would think you'll like it but olfactory senses are so unigue for individuals I can't guarantee it. I will say I'm NOT a huge rose fan and enjoy this level. Hope that helps (y)
Helps a lot, may have to give it a bash, and no drama it's all a gamble. Same here on the Rose front, thinking on it I think the only thing I have with Rose in it is a small bottle of thayers. Cheers again!
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