Coffee! Top tips needed!

I find the steam arm on the classic is pretty poor tbh. Mine came with a plastic attachment which flys off into the milk when the pressure builds. Can I swap things out then? Might need to get a separate forum section for coffee :D
I found that The plastic bit is a compression fit.
Undo it. Careful with all the bits.
Then slide the collar up the arm. Then push up the platic tuby bit and screw together.
Like the attachment on z garden hose.
I got my rancilio arm on eBay.
Item 320800909842
Works a treat.
It swaps straight in.
Nice one Slick (really, you're close to doing a flower - well done)!! :D Now we can take turns in blob thread - wiggle wiggle the jug :D :D
Purchased!! I have been using the wand without the plastic but its too short.
Boab said:
Purchased!! I have been using the wand without the plastic but its too short.
I didn't need to cut or straighten the classic wand.
The nut came off. You will need the classic nut to fit the rancilio wand.
To get the rancilio nut off you will need to take off the rubber elbow and the tip unscrews too. I have not used any of the washers either.
On the basis there were none on the classic anyway.
It works really well.
Mega heat. Keep the tip really close to gbe surface of the milk to generate foam. Make a swirly whirlpool of milk too.
It's a lot more aggressive but at the same time a lot more controllable.
Have fun. Report back.

I'm off to wiggle nOw!!
Forgot to mention I got my bits from the espresso shop Glasgow.
Had very helpful phone call with them too.
Interesting talk re tamping. Ie if grind good not too hard.
They are stocking the Ascaso I mini in the new year so .....
Mikael said:
Tony - you want a coffee war!? Do you feel lucky today!? Well, do you? Punk
O oh.....
Hey careful Tony. I once spent three months in Hagfors....
They are tough b'stards!!
Hey do mikael go get 'em ye ha!
Well, you live with someone for almost 15 years and you think you know them.
We've been on our family vacation for 8 days now. Each day I've been making brewed coffee for breakfast and evening. Last night we ran out of coffee and I told my wife that I'd dive to the store to buy some. She said ' you don't have to I brought some with me. Strange I hadn't seen it in a week! Stranger still when she brought out a jar of FOLGERS INSTANT COFFEE. and said here this is what We drink at work all the time... "It's not that BAD!!!".
15yr, she's been drinking instant coffee and thinks it's better than the one I make!
Johnus: that's funny ... and strange, at the same time :)

Tony: Shrapnel's what our kids play with in the wintertime, when things gets boring ... We have the same distinction here as you have though - everyone who lives here in Stockholm (the capital and biggest city in Sweden and it's called sissy swamp by folks up north) are soft pussies, so by definition I'm a softy :D
Settle down now!!!
Anyhow it's sooo much tougher here than anywhere else.
So there!!!
Our kids ride inter continental ballistic missiles to school.
That's tough.

Change of beans. Happy donkey Brazilian.
Not not that sort of Brazilian.
Happy donkey with a Brazilian....
Back to the topic.
Better crema. Rounder fkavour.
Not as dark and strong.
Pulled a really good shot today.
But made rubbish foam.
Cack. Not enough getting foam early on.
Then of cousre when milk is hot it does not foam.
But last night made a purdy little flower.
Ah coffee good temp too.
How is wand Boab?
Ok the Brazilian ahem ahem beans are better for me.
Slightly darker crema. Slighty chocklaty flavour.
Really good in milk. Need a bit more in the pf.
Made two slendid cappuccinos today. Got so excited over quality of foam made a mess of pour!!
Foam was good though. New wand a good upgrade.
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