1912 handle issue

I suspect it was due to wear on the Machinery..It would have been cheaper just to replace the Tap size & just carry on when their was wear & tear..Quite Pragmatic..Motorcycle manufactures used to do the same when things wore out..It was common practice in the Old Days..o_O


Very informative answer, would have had no idea that was manufacturing practice at the time. Bet the factory manager at the time never thought his quick fix would be stumping people over half a century later! LOL
Sorted - sorta - I decided to keep the Gem as it is, then saw Paul (pjgh) selling a 1914 head, already fitted with a M5 screw; now obtained (many thanks Paul - excellent condition BTW) & swapped a Windrose handle I wasn't using (didn't like the feel) with one I do like with Jan Zoethout (many thanks Jan).

So - my next shave (to which I am looking forward) will be with the 1914/windrose combo.

Watch this space for a Gem 1912 PIF in thanks to all who helped/assisted here & TSR in general.

Thanks all :):)
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