25 year old from Gloucestershire, first time DE razor user.

Hi everyone, after 8 years with my Gillette Power Fusion I decided I wanted a change and started researching in DE safety razor shaving as I've heard a lot of good things about it. Last week I ordered a bunch of new things to get me started and this is what they looked like when they arrived :)

Taylor of Old Bond Street pre-shave oil
Taylor of Old Bond Street shaving cream (sandlewood)
Muhle R89 razor
Simpsons Commodore X2 best badger brush
Alum block
Thayers (alcohol free) witch hazel and aloe skin toner (cucumber)
Muhle razor and brush stand
A selection of blades including 2 different types of Astra's, Derby and Israeli. No feathers in stock.

However, I've had a very rocky start indeed! The first time I face lathered up and used the razor, afterwards it felt like mild sunburn which I put down to bad technique. The second time I shaved the same thing happened again but I thought maybe it was brush burn or a reaction to the shaving cream. Anyway, yesterday I decided to face lather using just my fingers to work out what is the cause of this burning sensation (eliminating brush and razor). You guessed it, as soon as I started working the lather with my fingers I got a burning sensation! I rinsed it straight off and it felt like mild sunburn for about an hour afterwards and my face was quite red.

It's quite disheartening for your skin not to agree with your very first cream/soap! I've ordered some proraso cream as that seems to get good reviews so fingers crossed I'll have better luck in the next couple of days when it arrives.

Cheers all.
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Welcome, sir. The best thing I can advise is perseverance - don't give up and you'll wonder what all the fuss was about six months later.

EDIT: aha, I see the photo now and whilst TOBS creams are great for me and many others, Bechet, one of our mods, has his face eaten by this stuff if he uses it.

P.S. nice brush.
I've just put the photo's and a list in the thread. It was Taylors of Old Bond Street sandalwood and after doing a search on various shaving forums, it seems that quite a few people have a reaction to sandalwood creams. Anyway, much to my partners relief as she didn't like the smell of the sandalwood cream.

I'm defiantly not giving up! It's just annoying to say the least! Looking forward to receiving the Proraso cream now :).
Welcome to the dark side young apprentice. ;)
As Gairdner said you're not the only one to react to TOBS Sandalwood cream. Hope you find something you're safe with.
Get some Palmolive, either stick or cream. Most supermarkets have theses, and not expensive.
After 18 months I'm still perfecting my technique but you will soon quickly get far better shaves. Just remember not to press the razor into your skin as that was my problem.
Tobs Sandalwood was my first cream when I started and it irritated my skin too. Although, I blamed my technique for some time before switching to Proraso green and then realised it was the Tobs. I don't think you can go wrong with Proraso soaps or creams, great value in my opinion.

Good luck and stick at it, it's very rewarding when you master it.
Welcome to the threshold of a lifelong addiction. You've started with some fine shaving gear but you're not the first to experience a reaction to TOBS. Just use it as your excuse to try the boatloads of other soaps & creams available - I second the Palmolive suggestion but some swear by Proraso (my excuse to try it). You'll find what suits you.

Yes to Palmolive cream, can be found almost anywhere and is as good as any for a couple of quid.
All I need to use is Thayers post shave, try that first with nothing else.
I too reacted to TOBS Sandalwood which was my first cream. I also don't get on with Caties Bubbles so you may want to be careful of those too.

TOBS Almond was fine for me so is pretty much every other Soap!

Hang in there, plenty of other stuff to try! :)

Oh...and welcome!
Ah, shame about the TOBS Sandalwood, it's one of my favourites (and was also my first cream). There's literally boat loads of different soaps, and you'll find the majority won't cause you issues :) Enjoy the 'Green', it's a fantastic summer croap as it gives a lovely cooling kick :)
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