A question for the new lads just for fun

Well I have been DE shaving for two years now and before that it was shave gel and Gillette Excel two blade razor . Worked well (or so I thought ) , then moved onto the three blade madness ! Found that it dulled quickly and the price of the replacement blades, was legal daylight robbery on the tax payer .
Used a decent electric, years ago and in between (think it was a Seiko ) . Might still have it in a box , somewhere .

After some research and emails to some folks already DE shaving - took the plunge ! will never go back . Managed to convince a three friends so far . Can be a tricky subject to bring up.


I started off using a Wilkinsword protector for years then moved onto a Mach 3 and Occasionally a sensor.

I bought a cheap men-u brush and some GFT cream and continued using a brush

I was then gifted a shaving stand one year with a nice brushed steel Mach 3 handle, bowl and badger brush so continued to use that with the M3 until I started using a DE
My first razor was a Sensor Excel (used with canned goo). Not too bad, actually, but a pain in the neck to clean after I'd shaved. Then received a free Mach 3 through the post when they first came out. Easier to clean, but nowhere near as good as the Sensor. Dad then got me a cheap electric (battery-powered) that I still use at times when I'm feeling too lazy or rushed to do a proper DE shave.
man of leisure said:
How many blades were in the cartridge razor you were using when you joined this sight. ?? Or was some other form of shaving being used.

For me it was the 5 bladed fusion £20 for 8 cartridges the razor complete with battery as that is what Gillette said gave me the best shave.

Before I switched to double edge razor shaving, I used a mach 3 turbo razor and shaving gel.
I had a Wilkinson Sword Protector which has 2 blades in it. Not a bad shave as cartridges go - but no comparison to a DE shave. Pretty much all the time with the WS, I was using Trumper's Limes Soap and a Kent Best Badger brush - so I had some of the basics right, at least!
I started with an electric which gave horrible, irritating shaves for a few years before I started wet shaving with disposables. I then settled with the 2 blade Sensor (and Sensor Excel) for about 20 years which seemed to do the job just fine. I never tried the Mach 3 because my BS Detector told me that adding more blades was purely a marketing ploy.

For some strange reason however I did try the 4 blade King of Shaves Azor and was shocked at how ineffective it seemed compared to my Sensor. I've been DE shaving for about 5 months now, and having spent time learning good technique and which combination of razor/blade/soap works best for me, I'm getting the most satisfying shaves of my life!

When I joined I was using the fusion blades (four blades if memory serves), I first started shaving, I think it was 12/13 years old and it was with BIC disposal blades and carried that over until my girlfriend (now wife) brought me an sensor Excel and just moved up from there, never being satisfied with the soreness I stopped shaving regulary and admit I also stopped shaving frequently to stop myself being promoted at work, most good IT techies I know look scruffy to avoid promotion to management which sadly I had been avoiding until starting a management IT role on the 1st march.
I started shaving with an 88 blade razor; only a few blades of which were sharp (a few were decidedly, well ... flat though).

  • ... no.
      • ... wait ...
            • ... that was a piano.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                • It was a total pain rinsing the lather out of that thing after every few strokes.[/list:u][/list:u]
I started shaving with the Schick Injector in 1978. They were still around then. I then used a Braun Synchron Plus electric shaver from 1980 to 1991. Then various twin blades - mainly Gillette Contour, and possibly even the WS Profile. I did do DE shaving from 1992 to 2001 with the WS Classic. Then a Lidl twin blade thing, then the WS Protector Diamond twin blade from around 2003 to last year. Then King Of Shaves Azor from July last year until 6 weeks ago, as I got really sore in the last couple of weeks. Then BIC single blade disposable for a week or two. Then proper DE shaving two weeks ago with the EJ Chatsworth Barley.
I was using whichever razor the Gillette company pumped out, telling me it was the best ever shave! 2 blades, 3 blades, 4 blades. manual, battery, turbo, extra, etc etc etc etcI was a Gillette bitch. Was doing that for the past 30 odd years, not anymore! In your face Gillette, oh hang on a minute..........am now using vintage Gillettes, on my face!
lesed said:
I was using whichever razor the Gillette company pumped out, telling me it was the best ever shave! 2 blades, 3 blades, 4 blades. manual, battery, turbo, extra, etc etc etc etcI was a Gillette bitch. Was doing that for the past 30 odd years, not anymore! In your face Gillette, oh hang on a minute..........am now using vintage Gillettes, on my face!

But pre-Proctor and Gamble so you win!
Mach 3 for a long long time (well, I'm 33, so you work it out). Tried the Fusion but found it to be a %$#@&$% disgrace and bought a shiny new ... Mach 3. Always got a good shave, could comfortably go ATG (something I can't do with a DE) ... just couldn't shave two days in a row and wondered why the %$*# my neck was so bumpy and sore.

I went to an all-boys school. Why the hell don't they include shaving in the curriculum?!?
I'm ashamed to confess that I used either Gillette or Wilkinson multi blade disposables - preferably with that little aloe vera strip - whichever was cheapest in the supermarket at the time when I ran out.
In my defense, your honours, I have not only had a DE epiphany myself, but I have also managed to convert my 18 year old son who found cartridges for his Fusion too expensive.
However, at the moment he is using my one of my razors, one of my brushes, my cream and my blades so he really is saving money:lol: :lol:
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