Acquisitions, 1st October to 31st October 2015

Had yet another cartridge handle appear in the mailbox yesterday.
This one is a "Concord" from Italy.
It's a very sturdy thing and weighs quite a bit.
I do feel that there is too much at the end of the handle but we'll see when I take it for a spin.
The "MSRP" for this razor is over $100 and I picked it up for less than 10% of that - but, quite honestly, I doubt most MSRPs and this one seems vastly inflated.
Regardless, nice, solid handle that will be fun to try out.

...and hey, look at that - it can stand up. That's worth a buck :)
My dad's just back from visiting my brother in Spain, so he's brought a few things from there. Then there are a few things bought locally and lastly a Chinese copy of a Merkur Futur, which seems to be OK.

I've no idea whether this photo will work, I keep getting Internal Server Error when I try to add an Image.
Love to hear more about the Futur clone when you've tried it.
Wow Erik, an old Feather and the latest model!

I'd love to hear what you think of the WS-D1S - 'er indoors is going to get me one for Christmas; she doesn't know it yet, 'cos it's a surprise...:D
Will do.
Interesting tidbit, I can't seem to find any details on the classic Feather portable in the metal case. All the info out there shows a plastic case. Nothing on the metal case.
At the same time as I bid on a small razor lot that happened to contain a small, unused AoS brush - where I mostly wanted the razor...I also put in a sub-$10 bid on a AoS brush - not quite realizing that it was the same brush.

Now I have, well, two of them:
I guess my friend that I bought this Stahly might get a free brush.


Not very exciting but necessary for some of my new-old razor handles: a pack of Atra cartridges...

Also, a really, really great smelling vintage English Leather soap.
This one I will not leave un-used - it smells way too good for that....

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A birthday present from an auction that my wife won at this year's Comic Relief Ball - two individual eau de parfums - made to my specification. A very nice lady came to the house and took me through loads of combiations using different base middle and top fragrances.

The funny thing is I told my wife that numbers 1 and 5 were the choices but for some reason she ordered 1 and 7 - as you can guess, number 7 is the one.

A few things I got while I was on holiday in Spain. A Vie-long mixed Horse/Badger Hair Brush, Alvarez Gomez "Agua de Colonia Concentrada Barberia" with a free can of shaving foam, AdP Club (plus a few samples), Cerruti 1811 and Boss "The Scent" the last 2 are not in the picture.
This is all very nice but I'm about to lower the class of product on show....


Away on the hols towards the arse end of November so figured I'd try one of these to take with me. £3 including postage for 2 of them.
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