Acquisitions Dec 1 - Dec 31, 2015

The dear mailman was also kind enough to drop off these two items tonight;

1) A rather nice, cased white handled Schick (L1?) razor



2) A cased gold, Schick Pivot cartridge razor
A surpsingly nice weight to it.



Received my $25 razor lot that I wasn't quite sure why I bought.
Unfortunately I think I was even less sure after having looked it over in person..

Here's the lot in total:

Pic set 1

Two brushes: Rubberset (lucite) and Opal (black).
The Rubberset brush has unfortunately some bad scratches, grooves on one side and might just be binned.

The Opal was a pleasant surprise though - solid feel and doesn't look too bad at all.
A two-sided strop. Neat wooden handle and the leather looks 'ok' apart from an area ontop of it. Potentially binable.

Bottom row: Three hair-cutting/curling(?). Ugh. Bin.

An Remedy solution. Not really my thing but surprisingly there's actually a 'market' for old medicinal items like this. It's in great condition and heavy.

Pic set 2

Top row: An Iros Keen straight razor. Easy to date this one as the brand was only active 1925-26. Unfortunately it's a bit short on steel. Bin

Too bad, it has some nice details on the spine.

Bottom row: The other straight (Rochester) is in much better...but not great....condition. Scales are intact and looks like they could be horn or celluloid.
The maker is Robeson Cutlery Co and from what I could find online this would date to 1900-1920 and this brand seems to have quite the following.

There might be some hope for this one.

Pic set 3

Top row: A third straight razor. Columbia Cutlery Co, Worcester MA - "Extra Hollow Ground, Fully Warranted"
Nice looking razor but with an edge that has a bunch of rust and chips in it. I'm thinking bin.

Bottom row: The box included a slew (10-12) of NOS Ever Ready SE blades many in their original paper wraps.
There was also a metal blade box I've never seen before and a larger metal holder, with the same decorations on it that you can slide the blade box into.
It appears to be able to hold two of the boxes. Not sure what that is from but it's pretty dirty.

Pic set 4

Hey, some good news. A really, really neat looking Rolls Razor, Imperial No 2.
No crack in the honing stone, leather strop in good condition, blade looks good and there is every possible piece of paperwork in the box incl. the inspection/QA note.

And then there's what I thought looked interesting in the auction listing...something a bit 'off'-looking in an Ever-Ready box (if you remember this from the 'waiting on'-thread @pjgh ).
Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a type of hoe/wedge razor I've never seen before, complete with stropping handle.
The wedge blade has a hole in it that the top of the handle goes through and then turns to secure it in place. A simple and rather elegant solution.
The razor and blade is in good condition. There are no marking on the razor itself but the blade sports the name "Torrey No. B".
A quick glance at Waits' compendium shows that it's from around 1890. The ad states that the blade can be kept in working order indefinitely so I should be able to get a shave out of it down the road :)

Fun trivia: The Columbia straight razor is from Worcester MA - and so is this Torrey wedge razor.


The razor:



In the end, was it worth $25? I'd say so.
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Just arrived razor lot that I won on auction couple of weeks ago, they ripped me of for postage, bat I'm pleased couple of them are in good conditions. Strop is mystery for me, looks like it cant be saved, if someone know anything about it or have any solution for saving it pleas let me know.2 (Large).jpg 1 (Large).jpg 41.JPG 33.JPG
Received these rather neat, vintage Muhle shaving brushes
I reached out to Muehle and they were kind enough to take a look at my photos and replied with:
"Thank you for sharing the images. The brushes were made in the early 50's. The third one from the left (large) most likely a few years later."
Received my $25 razor lot that I wasn't quite sure why I bought.
Unfortunately I think I was even less sure after having looked it over in person..
In the end, was it worth $25? I'd say so.

Scrolling down I was beginning to think even DarkBulb gets it wrong sometimes:p Of course I should have known better:rolleyes:

Very nice catch on the Torrey. All the paperwork in the Rolls is pretty neat as well.
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