advanced shaving techniques...

Just been doing some research and came across buffing, j-hook, and a sliding one (cant remember the name).

Just curious to how many of you use any of these?

Or what your normal passes are and how many. At the minute I do 2 passes, all WTG, I am tempted to try some XTH.

Would love to know your passes and techniques.


I've no idea what "techniques" I use.. except WTG, XTG, ATG & buffing.

Usually I do 1 almost full pass WTG, XTG on some part of my face, and ATG on most of the rest. Then I buff the parts that need it. (my chin)
Don't get obsessed with "technique", do what feels right/works. I've never watched a full instruction video, be it for DEs or straights, I experimented, and found my own technique.

There is no "universal" technique, my methods may be unorthodox (I do ATG on my lower lip on first pass for example), but they work for me.

As they say, YMMV.

Smooth, short light touch strokes with the razor always. First pass, down, second pass up. Third pass across to centre. Final gentle squeeze out of lather from the brush applied by hand for a gentle tidy up. Somewhere in all this I go against the grain. Smooth and easy!

Great shave every time.
Robbo said:
Or what your normal passes are and how many. At the minute I do 2 passes, all WTG, I am tempted to try some XTH.

Would love to know your passes and techniques.


One pass, against the grain.
I'm not convinced that j-hooking is anything different to just normal shaving but just done a bit fancy. Same goes for buffing - just shorter than normal strokes really.
Pig Cat said:
I'm not convinced that j-hooking is anything different to just normal shaving but just done a bit fancy. Same goes for buffing - just shorter than normal strokes really.

Oh good! I thought it was just me.
Now that I know what these are, it turns out that I've been doing them for years to some extent. "Shaving" was my word for it. There seems to be something about this subject which generates daft jargon and acronyms.
I've given up on j-hooking. I find it clumsy and I tend to end up with the blade going almost more across than up, thus risking what happened in the above photo. I now tend to gently blade buff below my jaw only because I can't do a full, normal stroke at an angle (SW-NE or SE-NW) under there due to my disability (I have a heavily bowed chest - I can't go north-south on my neck for the same reason). As for the "Gillette slide" (as christened by mantic), I'm not convinced that this is any different to a normal reduction pass for one simple reason: Can you be certain that, when you do a normal reduction stroke, your razor is travelling absolutely perpendicular to the blade? :roll:
I watched the video and am glad I did, I don't use the Gillette slide but I do buff sometimes and have adapted the J-hook when using a DE. When using a SE I don't have to and when using a straight I use a but of buffing and a scything motion which is similar to a J hook.
I think the only ones I would use are my normal WTG and XTG.

Although I wouldnt mind trying the buffing on my tash and chin area, however I will give it a few weeks before I try that!
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