Astra Super Platinum

One of my all time favourites. I don't think they've ever delivered a poor shave, no matter what DE razor I've used them with. I'll try other brands out of interest but I'd always want to have Astra SP available.

Just ordered 100 of them! That is how great I think they are. Might even start a fan club!
I like them, and they perform well-enough for me in many razors. However, I did have a nasty experience with them this morning.

In common with anyone who owns more than one razor, and doesn't stick to one blade model or type, I tend to try different blades in different razors. This isn't very planned; just what I haul from the drawer for that day's razor, so it's a lottery.

As things go, I put an Astra Superior Platinum into my ATT S2, and went at it. The result is a reasonably clean shave, but tremendous irritation. I've not tried this razor/blade combination before, and it's pretty evident that they are unsuited. Why, I'm not sure, but maybe it's to do with it being a slant.

On the other hand, an Astra in a Tech, Slim or Fatboy works just fine for me.
I like them, and they perform well-enough for me in many razors. However, I did have a nasty experience with them this morning.

In common with anyone who owns more than one razor, and doesn't stick to one blade model or type, I tend to try different blades in different razors. This isn't very planned; just what I haul from the drawer for that day's razor, so it's a lottery.

As things go, I put an Astra Superior Platinum into my ATT S2, and went at it. The result is a reasonably clean shave, but tremendous irritation. I've not tried this razor/blade combination before, and it's pretty evident that they are unsuited. Why, I'm not sure, but maybe it's to do with it being a slant.

On the other hand, an Astra in a Tech, Slim or Fatboy works just fine for me.
I got the same experience. It's the best blade for me for the S1, while lasting 2-3 shaves. For the S2, I find that 7 o'clock yellows, or Polsilver SI work best for me.
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