Barber ear hair removal

I've been using my GroomMate (thanks to those who suggested it) for a while now. It's not as quick and easy as those little electric jobs but unlike them it doesn't keep breaking.
I was wondering how barbers do that trick where they burn off your ear hair; I think a cotton bud, possibly some alcohol (on the bud, not down your throat) and a lighter might be involved? Does anyone know exactly and have they ever done it? I'd like to give it a try but can see myself in hospital and the whole block of flats needing temporary re-housing.
Many years ago it was common for barbers to run a waxed taper across hair that was just cut - it was known as singeing and - I assume was thought of as cauterizing the hair. The same thing was used to briefly remove ear hair. I haven't seen it done for many years since electric clippers do the job just as well but without the smell.
NotTheStig said:
I've been using my GroomMate (thanks to those who suggested it) for a while now. It's not as quick and easy as those little electric jobs but unlike them it doesn't keep breaking.
I was wondering how barbers do that trick where they burn off your ear hair; I think a cotton bud, possibly some alcohol (on the bud, not down your throat) and a lighter might be involved? Does anyone know exactly and have they ever done it? I'd like to give it a try but can see myself in hospital and the whole block of flats needing temporary re-housing.

Turkish barbers I've used simply use a splash of the Duru lemon aftershave on the cotton wool ball (held in a pair of tweezers) and make quick dabbing movements with the flaming ball of death alternating with a cool damp tissue (possibly a wet wipe)
I've done my ears with a gas lighter on a high flame in the past, just dancing the flame in to singe the hair. But be careful, hair flares up easily...
I get the barber to do it now days though with the electric clippers...I'm not struck on the smell of burning hair, the smell tends to linger in the nose...Yucky.
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