Baxter of California After Shave Balm Bargain

It's a shaving product! Of course it matters:eek:
the prices keep dropping (Ive added to my wishlist to keep check). I wonder how low it will go?
Happened a couple of years ago with shaving brushes... the prices just kept dropping, I managed to snag a Plisson badger brush for £13 and a Simpsons CH2 for £63. The more people buy, the lower the price drops until stocks run low. Once the brushes were down to the last 10 the prices went back to RRP.
I was having a few problems at work which just seemed to be festering, even though the issues had been reported, i read about just writing down what they were to get them out, sort to speak. Anyway, Up Pops @BigBruce with his LAMY recommendation so i went for it, i mean if you are going to write about something crappy it may as well be done with something nice. I have to be honest, once these issues were written down, i was not carrying them around.
I then just started to practice to make my writing more legible, basically, anything that came into my head, day to day trivialities, cooking recipies i had done, little pen reviews for myself. It was all writing practice and maybe the start of a daily journal, even if it was a bit long winded.
This has started to morph into what i did today and what will i do tomorrow to, trying to plan the rubbish out.
Another forum member kindly offered to allow me an outlet for my practice letter writing so i have started correspondence using snail mail, its so different from just sending an email or PM, calming even.
I used to correspond when i was young, well before the text/email age, i think "Pen Pals" were encouraged then to help with creativity and writing practise. Its been a long long time since i have done anything like this, it is a really enjoyable experience, slowing the busy pace of life down, for me anyway.
I’ve been doing this for years with my Lamy, Sheaffer, Cross, MontBlanc pens, (ps i can rarely read my own writing but if I’ve writen it with a fountain pen the odds are increased the I can) the important part i found was having a quality paper to jot down into, I actually find it very relaxing to watch the ink dry on the page as im writing, with the right angle this paper/pads allow this, and found the A4 pukka pads perfect, i have about 40 of these A4 pads that my family has never read or had access to, all filled, over the last 15 years, it keeps me sane, I will occasionally pick one up and open at a random page, read for a few pages, put down, and the brain seems to have a reset, all good. :)

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