Behind the SOTD-scenes

Actually yes I do :)
There are, as far as I know, three Adobe products available for iPhones and iPads:
- Photoshop Express,
- Photoshop Fix, and
- Photoshop Mix (mostly for blending multiple images)

They are all free - give them a try - they all do a bit different things :)

In addition to those I think it's hard to beat Snapseed as a quick, mobile photo editor.

Fantastic. Never knew this existed for phones, and if I did I would have assumed it cost loads!!!

Apologies for my lazyness I guess i could have just looked this up myself, but its good to hear what others are doing!!! :)

I will be downloading tonight!! :)
I too, am lazy, so use my Xperia Z2, upload to Flickr and use its in built editor to "fiddle"! Sometimes it's just a frame that is added.
That is when I actually remember to take a photo!
Today's SOTD photo...


came from this...


My daughter's room is the only place in our house with a proper facing window to get good lighting apparently. At least that what I learned from reading up a bit on lighting last night. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out as I've always thought lighting was my weak point. This definitely seemed to help.
My setup is usually one of my wife's scarves draped over a simple photo tent in the spare bedroom. No fancy lighting, just use the window for daylight and maybe a simple lamp when it's getting dark.

Equipment is typically Pentax Kr DSLR with 35mm lens, Uniloc tripod because low light, small apertures for depth of focus and ISO 200 need a slow shutter speed, usually around 1 sec. I also use a remote shutter release to prevent any camera shake and because it's just magic.

I use Lightroom for simple photo editing like cropping and exposure/colour correction and upload to where I usually add a frame.


Final SOTD photo
Usual setup is -

Canon 5D II on tripod with 100mm Macro L lens / shallow depth of field to blur out the backdrop
Oak Kitchen Table as the base
Oak Tray perched behind the brush at a distance
Front lit from French doors
Left side lit from kitchen window
Right side lit by gold reflector
Strictly no flash - natural light only

Usually just crop, straighten and touch up the white balance, highlights, contracts etc in Lightroom.

The striping you see below in the background is streaks of light passing through the blinds. You can see me, my camera and the French doors in the reflection on the handle.

Usual setup is -

Canon 5D II on tripod with 100mm Macro L lens / shallow depth of field to blur out the backdrop
Oak Kitchen Table as the base
Oak Tray perched behind the brush at a distance
Front lit from French doors
Left side lit from kitchen window
Right side lit by gold reflector
Strictly no flash - natural light only

Usually just crop, straighten and touch up the white balance, highlights, contracts etc in Lightroom.

The striping you see below in the background is streaks of light passing through the blinds. You can see me, my camera and the French doors in the reflection on the handle.


Come on, show the setup area please :)
Ha, its a mess right now - been packaging up some brushes for someone and there's bubble wrap, tape and cuttings everywhere.
For @Blackmass and @Blademonkey :)

The original snap from my iPhone:

5-6 minutes in PS using two filters (as I'm extremely lazy and want even adjustments to be made automatically); Silver Efex Pro 2 and Viveza 2 (both by Nik Software), it spits this out:
Software is fantastic but you still have an eye for how a shot should be set.....simplistic uncluttered pics seem to work well.
For @Blackmass and @Blademonkey :)

The original snap from my iPhone:

5-6 minutes in PS using two filters (as I'm extremely lazy and want even adjustments to be made automatically); Silver Efex Pro 2 and Viveza 2 (both by Nik Software), it spits this out:

Thanks for all the info. I couldn't believe it when you said you only use your phone.

As @Blademonkey said. There's a lot more to your photos than clever filters. You have differently got the eye.

I quite enjoyed a SOTD pic but as not on FB anymore I can't just cut and paste the link and don't have a hosting sight for just these pics.

Mine were just on the sink but always tried to be a little arty in the layout and a simple filter and border.
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