Best safety razor for''downstairs''

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Shave Oil e.g. Somersets and any mild closed comb razor with a forgiving blade would be my serious advice for the complete last turkey in the shop look.
I know as I regularly shave my Gentleman's Garden in order to avoid spontaneous combustion during re-entry...
Jesus wept, can we PLEASE close this thread down now! [emoji15]
Just view it as educational Gordy, I've gained an entirely new insight into what the younger generation have to do to achieve that natty, well turned out look. Now I'm left wondering to whom they display their tonsured toggles.

JohnnyO. o/
I had to shave my 'nads when I had the snip, back in '97. That said I was given the choice of doing it myself or letting them do it for me - bollocks to that! A can of goo and a Wilky cartridge or Sensor did the job. Top tip, if you're gonna have it done, don't drive home 25 miles through traffic straight after the op. Once the anaesthetic wears off you will soon realise how much you use your knackers to drive.
I had mine snipped 18th Dec 1991. Went straight for a haircut following, had arranged a meeting for the next morning. Sitting in the barbers chair(as the PK wore off), and the drive home after persauded me to cancel the meeting(2hr drive away), untill the following week:eek::D

Oh yes, the kindly nurse gave mine a light scrape beforehand. Well I did go private(s)!
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