Boots Cool Cologne Lather Shave Cream

I hope I'm not hijacking this thread about Boots' cream, but thought I'd mention this.

Hairsuite said:
Lornamead sent me 3 replacement tubes of Ingrams in lieu of the runny variety. Looking forward to giving it a go as intended.

Great service.

They did the same for me. I emailed them ages ago to let them know that 2 tubes from superdrug were "off" (I must confess that I thought I was reporting superdrug for bad storage conditions or something) and they replied quite soon afterwards telling me it may have been a bad batch and asking me to send it back.

I didn't bother for quite a while - I had stuff to do and wasn't really focused on £3.60 worth of dodgy soap. But I ended up sending it at the end of last week after a mate suggested they might need to see it to determine the bad batch. I honestly thought that was the end of it (despite an offer of a replacement tube).

Lo and behold! Today a package with 3 tubes arrived:


Fantastic service, made even better by the fact that it is a good British product!
mulligano said:
I hope I'm not hijacking this thread about Boots' cream, but thought I'd mention this.

Hairsuite said:
Lornamead sent me 3 replacement tubes of Ingrams in lieu of the runny variety. Looking forward to giving it a go as intended.

Great service.

They did the same for me. I emailed them ages ago to let them know that 2 tubes from superdrug were "off" (I must confess that I thought I was reporting superdrug for bad storage conditions or something) and they replied quite soon afterwards telling me it may have been a bad batch and asking me to send it back.

I didn't bother for quite a while - I had stuff to do and wasn't really focused on £3.60 worth of dodgy soap. But I ended up sending it at the end of last week after a mate suggested they might need to see it to determine the bad batch. I honestly thought that was the end of it (despite an offer of a replacement tube).

Lo and behold! Today a package with 3 tubes arrived:


Fantastic service, made even better by the fact that it is a good British product!

I bought mine in to different Davidson chemists, 20 miles apart. Both runny.

I emailed Davidsons to let them know they had a bad batch.

No point working through my tubes (given one away already) and hitting the same problem again.....

Fido said:
This has more mentions of Ingram than Boots nearly!

There is an Ingram thread - best to update the faulty product news there now?

Stop high jacking peters lovely post about Boots shaving cream,otherwise he'll get angry, and you don't want to be on the receiving end of him when he is,:s
Hairsuite said:
It's the Ingram Rep, or Gairdner as he is known here, blame him!


It's funny you should mention that, I was in superdrug today looking at the aftershave lotion,and There it is Ingram cream,and he did pop in my mind :dodgy:
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