
Do you wear cufflinks?

  • All the time

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • Often

    Votes: 22 40.0%
  • Special occasions

    Votes: 18 32.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 3 5.5%

  • Total voters
Used to wear them daily to work. Found cufflinks very comfortable to wear but always with a double cuff. I have a set or two of my own but mostly I wore the bank issued ones. Nowadays, I've no need - the humble button shirt does me every time. Couldn't give you suggestions other than buy British if you can, old chap.
I wear a shirt every day to work and take real pride in my appearance and looking smart. For me a double cuffed shirt with a smart pair of cufflinks beat buttoned shirts every time.

My parents had me a set handmade for my 18th birthday which I wear on special occasions. The rest of them I just pick up as I see them. I must have 30 pairs now.
All of my work shirts are double-cuffed. I have a small collection ranging from plain metal to smoke black gem to pink pearlesque.

To start out, keep it straightforward with a simple metal shaped pair. NEVER wear novelty ... it's a bigger faux pas than novelty ties. Puh!

To me, simple is better ... my "to go" pair:


... and the pink/pearlesque:


While on this, double-cuffed shirts often come with removable collar stiffeners. Get a pair of metal straighteners and remove prior to washing, slip in as you dress.
Thanks for the replies and votes, gents, it's ideal for getting a feel for things. Previously sharing JM's sort of view, I only considered getting cufflinks recently after nabbing a couple of double-cuff shirts in a sale. Have been using cufflinks out of a christmas cracker (I kid you not) since, though I like the treasury tag idea :)

Thanks for the suggestions. Those look really good quality, pjgh, strong designs and definitely not gaudy, similarly for the Link ones.
Only ever wear them with double cuffs - single cuffs and I agree with Vinny.

Unfortunately, a young friend gave me a pocket square for Christmas and I've worn it a couple of times already - however, as it wasn't with cufflinks I think I got away with it.
What about bow ties? In the Health profession, less so today granted, Consultants (that's "Doctors") would often wear bow ties. I rather like the idea and popped on a dashing purple velvet example with a purple shirt for World Class Commissioning Day a few years ago ... for a chap from "IT" it went down rather well :D

I might revive the idea ... adds a dash of colour to a somewhat grey job now.
some good advise already posted. I often look in charity shops. I've found all kinds of weird and wonderful bits, not always knackered old things, in fact quite often top drawer 'flinks!

I'm usually festooned with 'flinks, nattily knotted tie and either a pocket square or 'non-black' socks. Not a 'pretentious bellend' just someone who takes a bit of pride in their appearance. (having said that I haven't had a shave today! *scruffy b'stard*)

Happy shaving
PhilD said:
Do many here wear them? What sort do you like? Any suggestions for good ones to buy?

Not the worlds best photo, but after reading this I went and had a clear out. I've loads of sets I have been given over the years. I very rarely wear them these days. If I do I have a few silver pairs and a couple of gold ones that were my late father in laws.

So these five sets are yours for free PhilD, just PM me your address and I will pop them in the post.



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Northam Saint said:
Not the worlds best photo, but after reading this I went and had a clear out. I've loads of sets I have been given over the years. I very rarely wear them these days. If I do I have a few silver pairs and a couple of gold ones that were my late father in laws.

So these five sets are yours for free PhilD, just PM me your address and I will pop them in the post.

What an incredibly generous offer, NS, that's blown me away. We'll have to see if there's any shaving kit I can send back your way. Will PM soon...

TVM for the further replies, gents.
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