DE new guy

Burton on Trent
Morning all, I'm new to the whole 'proper' shaving world & eager to get started. I've found myself some soap & a brush, just missing the razor. Talk about a minefield...Anyway after some research & reading reviews etc I think I've settled for a Merkur 34C. Any experience out there or other suggestions?

Many thanks
Welcome to TSR. I started with a 34c, almost 2 years ago now, and it's a great razor for learners. It's only recently been passed on to a work colleague who I've converted to DE shaving and he loves it, so a good choice I would say.
You'll get lots of great advice on here. Enjoy.
Hi, the 34C is what I started with and I still use it a lot, not a bad choice at all. I like the short length and the relatively solid weight, it's probably still one of the best 2 piece razors.
The Edwin Jagger 87/89 models and the equivalent Muhles are mentioned a lot as great starter razors as well, they're easy to use and well finished. 3 pieces too, so nothing to really go wrong, I still have a Jagger 87 and I briefly owned a Muhle 89 until I decided I didn't really need two of what is effectively the same razor.
Welcome to TSR.
biscuit said:
Well it has arrived & my new shaving kit is now complete. Must say it feels a quality piece of kit! Thanks for the recommendations. Time for my first DE shave then....

Hi there, careful. That blade's pretty darn sharp and it's easy to accidentally cut a major artery during the first shave or two. Not a big deal, since only about one in twenty new DE users die from blood loss (or blood poisoning in the case of vintage razors). Hopefully you won't receive a haunted razor, but you never know till shaving with it. I had an old haunted Merker slant that ended up taking over a member borrowing it. I was glad to get that razor outta my house.

Nothin to it!
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