Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

Singing Blade said:
If anyone's interested I've got what feels like hundreds of samples of Bay Rums (it's probably about 20 or 30 but I've got samples of EDT's all over the place). I could sort out a list and share them out to whoever would like some for the price of postage.

Hi. If you have a sample left I'd love to try it. Never heard of Bay Rum before. Working my way thru the t&h samples at the moment.

I'd love to try a bottle too.

Sunburyboy93 said:
I will be making some Bay Rum, just had so much stuff going on this year and i need to sit down and try and get the Bottles and labels a bit cheaper, and the postage is crazy too, i can see why these little cottage industries struggle.....:icon_sad:
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