Edwin Jagger or Muhle for first razor?


I've been using a Wilkinson Sword Classic and think its about time I upgraded.

I've been looking at the Edwin Jagger DE86 and the Muhle R89 as my first proper DE razor.

From a thread here, it appears that the head is the same on both razors, is there any difference between them?

Which would people recommend, the black or chrome one? or other finish?

My recommendation is the Muhle R89 Grande. This has the same head but with a fat long handle, looks great and is my favourite razor from all the ones I've owned.The cost is £35 and I think it's a great buy. The EJ 89 is very good and the Muhle 89 should shave the same, so take your pick, any of these would be good choice. Check out the vendor discounts on the forum.
I have got a EJ 89 and a MUhle R89. The muhle has a lighter weight handle and is my daily razor, whenever I use the EJ, which has the heavier handle I end up getting nicks ?! Both razors are excellent quality, but I find that the EJ is more aggressive because of the extra weight in the handle.
If I had my time again, I'd not buy either. Go straight for a Weber. Save yourself a fortune in the end because that's where you will finish up - with the best razor ever.
Bechet45 said:
If I had my time again, I'd not buy either. Go straight for a Weber. Save yourself a fortune in the end because that's where you will finish up - with the best razor ever.

He may well do, Carl, and you're certainly the Weber expert here and provide a ringing endorsement for their products. I would, however, point out that the OP asked for opinions on Muhle vs. Jagger, and didn't add anything to the effect of "...or is there anything else you think I should consider?" We also ought to bear in mind that, in these difficult economic conditions, the OPs budget may well not accommodate the cost of a Weber, so, though he may well save the cost of either the Muhle or EJ by going straight for the Weber (assuming that the Weber is suitable - YMMV as we know), the initial outlay may be an impediment.

To the OP - given that Jagger offer smooth, lined and barley (fine-knurled) handles, as far as I'm aware, the only irreconcilable difference is that the EJ handles are solid, whilst those on the Muhle are hollow. As you're upgrading from the Wilkie, which has a handle-heavy balance, you may find the head-heavy Muhle version a bigger jump in feel when shaving than the more evenly-balanced Jagger.
Can't go wrong with either one, choose the handle you like most. I tried a lot of razors but my EJ is not going anywhere! Last year I just got myself a Chatsworth Barley handle as a treat.
Haven't tried the Muhle, so can't comment on that one.
If I had my time again, I'd get the EJ with the barley handle rather than the smooth version. No problems with gripping the smooth handle, the barley just looks a whole lot cooler
But I would consider what Carl says and think about a Weber
chrisbell said:
To the OP - given that Jagger offer smooth, lined and barley (fine-knurled) handles, as far as I'm aware, the only irreconcilable difference is that the EJ handles are solid, whilst those on the Muhle are hollow. As you're upgrading from the Wilkie, which has a handle-heavy balance, you may find the head-heavy Muhle version a bigger jump in feel when shaving than the more evenly-balanced Jagger.

Thanks, I didn't know that the EJ handles are solid, I'll certainly give what you have said about the balance consideration.

Now just to decide smooth black or chrome...
as mentioned I don't think you can wrong with either. Fit and finish on both brands is excellent.

Of course EJ are English based so when I bought my first razor that's what swung it for me but I've bought a Muhle since then (a nasty R41) and the fit and finish is top rank.

I really like my EJ and still use it at the weekends - I have the black handled version as I thought the chrome may be a little too slippy.
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