Favourite modern DE razor


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
Let us know what you consider your favourite modern DE razor.Must be available to buy today so no vintage.Mine?

Muhle R41

edit* changed title to include DE
Re: Favourite modern razor

Edwin Jagger DE89 at the moment but that might change to the Gold Dollar 208 I have. I was lucky that it wasn't warped or frowning and I had to modify the shoulders for honing but it gave a very pleasant shave although I've only used it once.
Feather AS-D1 with feather blade. I also own a Merkur 34C-HD which is a fantastic razor, I owned a Merkur Futur, but found this razor looks a lot better than it actually works, to big and bulky especially around the nose and the more delicate work, which you will understand after using the 34C and a Feather. this is just a personal observation, but I cannot see anyone who will think a Futur or Vision a upgrade after long term use of the 34C, I was totally dissapointed in the performance of the Futur. But it would be a great first razor for Shrek :lol:

The Merkur HD. The first razor I bought and I didn't like it to begin with. I swiftly moved onto a vintage Tech and Slim. It was only when I revisited it probably 9 months later that I realised how good it is and that it was my technique that was shoddy at the start.

I'm itching to try the open comb version now.

The Merkur bakelite is a very close second. Despite the weight and its looks it's a very capable razor.

EJ DE89 - too mild
Futur - too clumsy
Merkur 39C "sledgehammer" - too long
Progress Mergress for me.

I'm at the stage where I can tell what feels right on my face so adjustables have really come into play these days.

About 3 months back I couldn't stand a adjustable! No BBS smooth every time :cool:
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