First SE shave + razor identification

Thanks, so it is a pretty late SE. I'll try the bullet tip for the next 5 days, starting tomorrow morning (the kids are on holiday so no school run!) and next week I'll try the 1912.
Its a very Subtle & Refined SE the Bullet Tip..It takes a bit of getting to know..I used to think it was Milder than the G Bar & Featherweight buts that's not the Case..I would suggest its a better performer than either of the Two but it has a Real Fine Window of Cutting Power..It can be Dialled up or down..Its a Very Interesting SE & I have heard a few Folks saying the same..Its worth spending some time getting to know it..:D

The Featherweight is so far the only SE I couldn't get on with. Not sure whether it was the grip, weight or what but I couldn't get it to work with me. Wasn't for the want of trying though!
A lot of people struggle with these later Model Gem SEs because they are more refined & subtle..A Monkey can use a 1912 because its a Blunt Instrument..That is to say..A 1912 is like a Shotgun & a Bullet Tip is like a Target Rifle..:eek:

Don't worry, Gordy ... if I was more active on this thread I'd be taking the flak.

See Dave & Billy (or Billy & Dave, you girls can decide the order) are a comedy double-act who make merry mirth around the fact that the 1912 is the one; they'll joke about how it is not and posture the Clog Pruf or even (urgh) injectors as better. Like, yeah right! Tut! ;)

And that's where it's at ... the 1912 is the one (see my sig ... see, now it's true - you read it on the internet), all else is not quite there, but can be quite god-like ... and god-"like" is where it stops.

All hail the 1912!

Naturally, I should say that this is all in good banter and folks not quite up to speed with our comedy double-act should not take anything they say as malicious or with ill-intention.

So, sorted @Hishg? Anything else you'd like to know?

Jump on in and try your razors. There's folks like @Burgundy (whose skin is no doubt much smoother than my craggy old visage) who like the Flying Wing above the 1912 and folks like me who can shave with a broken bottle for whom the 1912 quite literally cannot be beaten. That said, I can shave a balloon with a 1912, but the Featherweight made it go pop!

All hail the 1912!

... ad nauseum :D
" The One " varies according to " the one " who is using it. My only personal assertion about SEs is that any of them afford me a closer, smoother, safer and longer lasting shave than any of the multitude of DEs I've experienced. And I was ever so tempted to add YMMV there just to set F/ Billy off. But I'm really a peaceable old duffer at heart.

JohnnyO. o/

Personally there is only one GEM razor I dislike and to be fair I can get a good shave from it with enough touching up and that is the very last model they made, the Contour II it is a very gentle shaver indeed GEM's equivalent of the Tech, I know Paul quite likes it which proves it is all just a matter of opinion.

I like all three Micromatics very much indeed, if you own all three then I suppose you have the complete spectrum of shavers and shaves. The OCMM being somewhat more aggressive than the others does for me give the best shave of the three with the least amount of touching up required, but with a little extra work you can get just about the same quality of closeness with all three.

To start out you may find the OCMM a little fierce but after a a few shaves it doesn't seem a problem. The difference in 'face feel' is that with the OCMM you feel your face is always on the blade whereas with the other two especially the Flying Wing you feel the safety bar.

I hope this helps but it's is just one mans opinion so in the overall scheme of things it doesn't amount to much, you have to really try them for your self over several shaves to know what you like.

Don't worry, Gordy ... if I was more active on this thread I'd be taking the flak.

See Dave & Billy (or Billy & Dave, you girls can decide the order) are a comedy double-act who make merry mirth around the fact that the 1912 is the one; they'll joke about how it is not and posture the Clog Pruf or even (urgh) injectors as better. Like, yeah right! Tut! ;)

And that's where it's at ... the 1912 is the one (see my sig ... see, now it's true - you read it on the internet), all else is not quite there, but can be quite god-like ... and god-"like" is where it stops.

All hail the 1912!

Naturally, I should say that this is all in good banter and folks not quite up to speed with our comedy double-act should not take anything they say as malicious or with ill-intention.

So, sorted @Hishg? Anything else you'd like to know?

Jump on in and try your razors. There's folks like @Burgundy (whose skin is no doubt much smoother than my craggy old visage) who like the Flying Wing above the 1912 and folks like me who can shave with a broken bottle for whom the 1912 quite literally cannot be beaten. That said, I can shave a balloon with a 1912, but the Featherweight made it go pop!

All hail the 1912!

... ad nauseum :D
Thus Hath Spoketh the One Pass 1912 Kid..:confused:

All Hail the 1912..:p:D:p

" The One " varies according to " the one " who is using it. My only personal assertion about SEs is that any of them afford me a closer, smoother, safer and longer lasting shave than any of the multitude of DEs I've experienced. And I was ever so tempted to add YMMV there just to set F/ Billy off. But I'm really a peaceable old duffer at heart.

JohnnyO. o/
A Peaceful Old Duffer..:p:D:p

Right, I have now used the Gem Micromatic bullet tip for 5 days. Time to post some thoughts.

I posted the first shave on SOTD. It was a socially acceptable 2 pass shave + touch up and I had a couple of nicks. The second shave, with the same set up, was even better in that there were no nicks. On the 3rd day I went wrong; I finished my second pass, and rather than do a touch up I went for a 3rd pass. I normally I try not to do 3rd passes because I almost always end up with razor burn, I only ever do third passes on Friday mornings or Thursday nights because then my face has weekend to recover as I don't normally shave at weekends. Anyway I ended up with really bad razor burn which I'm still feeling today, 3 days later!

Anyway Thursday morning I stuck to 2 passes and because I still had razor burn I used Nivea Sensitive shaving cream instead of the OSP Orange & Patchouli. Never used Nivea Sensitive before, it was OK, the face feel after wasn't as good as an artisan soap but felt better than Palmolive cream. Anyway Thursday and Friday were both OK, I used the Nivea sensitive, I stuck to 2 passes + touch up and only used Thayer's Witch Hazel afterwards. The result was 2 social acceptable shaves without cuts or nicks.

Overall very pleased with the razor. I wasn't sure about the Gem blades as there is still a lot of stubble after the first pass but It's mostly cleared away by the end of the 2nd pass.

My plan was to spend two days shaving free so the razor burn can heal and on Monday morning (my son is still on his Easter holiday) to switch to a Ever-ready 1912 with a new Gem blade, Simpsons Colonel brush and OSP O&P. Unfortunately I've just discovered that I've booked theatre tickets this afternoon, so my face is not going to get the rest it needs. Can't go to the theatre unshaven!
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1912, artisan soap, GEM blade, light touch 2 pass shave , what's not to enjoy ! Ever so many of us ( well, maybe just me actually ) have pushed the boat out one pass or one turn on the adjustable too many m8, and suffered the consequences. Glad you're getting used to the MM, I believe you may well find the 1912 a more comfortable unit once you become accustomed to it. Hope you keep enjoying the shaves.

JohnnyO. o/
Right, I have now used the Gem Micromatic bullet tip for 5 days. Time to post some thoughts.

I posted the first shave on SOTD. It was a socially acceptable 2 pass shave + touch up and I had a couple of nicks. The second shave, with the same set up, was even better in that there were no nicks. On the 3rd day I went wrong; I finished my second pass, and rather than do a touch up I went for a 3rd pass. I normally don't do 3rd passes because I almost always end up with razor burn, I only ever do third passes on Friday mornings or Thursday nights because then my face has weekend to recover as I don't normally shave at weekends. Anyway I ended up with really bad razor burn which I'm still feeling today, 3 days later!

Anyway Thursday morning I stuck to 2 passes and because I still had razor burn I used Nivea Sensitive cream instead of the OSP oranage & patchouli. Never used Nivea Sensitive before, it was OK, the face feel after wasn't as good as an artisan soap but felt better than palmolive cream. Anyway Thursday and Friday were both OK, I used the Nivea sensitive, I stuck to 2 passes + touch up and only used Thayer's Witch Hazel afterwards. The result was 2 social acceptable shaves without cuts or nicks.

Overall very pleased with the razor. I wasn't sure about the Gem blades as there is still a lot of stubble after the first pass but It's mostly cleared away by the 2nd pass.

My plan was to spend two days shaving free so the razor burn can heal and on Monday morning (my son is still on his Easter holiday) switch to a Ever-ready 1912 with a new Gem blade, Simpsons Colonel brush and OSP O&P. Unfortunately I've just discovered that I've booked theatre tickets this afternoon, so my face is not going to get the rest it needs. Can't go to the theatre unshaven!
You must be using Too Heavy a Touch when the Bullet Tip is doing that..Or..You are Not using the Correct Angle...One of the Two or perhaps Both..The Bullet Tip is not the most Aggressive razor & it should be smooth..I did say the Angle was quite subtle on this SE..:)

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