hmm Gillette New or Old? long or short tooth?

Hello all

I'd like to add an OC to my thus far very modest stable of razors (EJ89L, L Type Schick Injector, Wilkie Classic). It'll probably end up as a late Christmas present from the boss. I've never shaved with 1 but have done a bit of research here and elsewhere. I think I've settled on the vintage Gillette route so am now weighing up whether to go with an Old or New, short or long tooth. Looking for a comfortable and efficient razor, probably no more than middle of the road aggressiveness. Something I could use for trauma free daily shaving if I felt like it. Given the variety of razors out there I could use a little help to narrow down the options.

Was wondering if any experienced OC users, especially with the vintage Gillettes, can comment on the shave experience in the hope of perhaps pointing me in the right direction, the old YMMV adage not withstanding.

Many thanks and seasons Greetings to one n all.

Should have mentioned if anyone wants to offer to sell me something suitable I'm looking to get hold of something in good nick rather than shaver grade if possible. I was planning on putting a WTB post up on BST anyway once I've got a firmer idea of which razors I'm interested in.
I'd look for a British long-comb New or #77/88. My Old Type's certainly got more bite than my New. In reality, though, I often see shaver grade Old Types (brassing and the ubiquitous crack in the handle, but straight teeth) go for around a fiver on eBay, so you've little excuse but to give one a go. I'm sure there're people reading this thread who'll sort you out with something!
I prefer the Old. Although of the New family I am very fond of the Bostonian. But you can pick up a reasonable head of the Old and New on the Bay and get them replated. Then work out which handle suits each best.
Being a little 'long in the tooth' myself i would have to recommend the 'Gillette '04' model. I've found that, while they all seem to look the same, the best shaver are the one from the 'War Years'.
I believe that I've read that Gillette full production in at least 1918 went to the armed forces. 3.5Million razors!
He did have a plant in the UK. 1905? The British Gillette razor that I have has a '02 Pat date.
You won't find a better shaver than the early '04's.
Is the Merkur 41 (replica of Gillete 1904) OC any good? I had an R41 Grande that I found a bit too aggressive (it fell off a window ledge and broke - perhaps to save me from fatal blood loss from one more attempt to tame it but being a glutton for punishment I might give OC another go!
michaelg said:
Is the Merkur 41 (replica of Gillete 1904) OC any good? I had an R41 Grande that I found a bit too aggressive (it fell off a window ledge and broke - perhaps to save me from fatal blood loss from one more attempt to tame it but being a glutton for punishment I might give OC another go!
I tried the Merkur #41 once and I found it to be quite a mild shave, well for me anyway, it's quite a small razor which suites me, it's got a good weight to it, it wasn't anywhere near aggressive as the R41, I passed mine on to my nephew though so I no longer have it.
Had a great shave today with my Gillette #77. It's certainly on the aggressive side and is New Long Comb type but of two piece construction and the head is fairly heavy. Certainly more aggressive than the 7 o'clock New LC I had and a keeper.

Did you get sorted out with something, SC?
Johnus said:
Being a little 'long in the tooth' myself i would have to recommend the 'Gillette '04' model.
You won't find a better shaver than the early '04's.

Oh hell........who's turn was it to watch John? Come on......who was it?

This is what you get when he's left unattended. You get crazy postings about a bloodsucking vampire razor. Seen it all too often, poor old geezer.

It's no problem for the veteran members, but I'm afraid some new guys will take him seriously. He can be convincing in his deviant point of view.

No offense meant in the least to my fellow Yanker from New Yawk. He is a lovable old coot.
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