Is your razor too dumb? Well new razor "Phi Razor" to the rescue ;)

More was revealed today.....

A better mousetrap? Although I'm a firm believer in the "less is more" school of design, as exemplified by Mongoose, Blackland, ATT etc. today, and most of the other old razor makers and designers, I'm just disappointed that this thing doesn't also contain a mobile phone, alarm clock, personal organiser, music player, front and rear camera and central heating control.
I'm still waiting for the 'intelligence' disclosure. I'm surprised to see he elected to trademark the name of the L.E.D. thing-a-ma-bob.

...I'm sure there was an eager line of razors designers who couldn't wait to use the phrase..."Active Shaving Assist Illuminatorâ„¢" in their razors.

Sounds like the perfect accessory to take with you when you go on an extended mission in an 'all-terrain armored transport,' otherwise known as an AT-AT.
Hi Guys,

I just found this interesting discussion. It is a mystery this PHI Razor that is being talked about. I am in the fortunate position of knowing all about it.
We're just a couple of days away from going live on Kickstarter where everything will be made clear.
Unfortunately the PHI Razor is not smart enough to shave you by itself, or send text messages.
Fortunately, it is not $500. Early backers on Kickstarter are $99 USD with top level at $165 USD. Retail will be $225 USD. All backers also get a razor blade (3 blade cartridge and safety blade) sample pack.
Also, the LED system can be turned off. Everything can be turned off if you like. Our philosophy is that the PHI Razor be very customizable.
Hopefully this is something that the shaving community will appreciate. We have spent the last year trying to make this a reality and created something unique.
Here is an early release of info that I just posted on our facebook page.

This is all ahead of the press release going out so you heard it here first! (Posted to TSD as well)

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