Le Tour 2013

Wow, what a stage! Over 200k and then a 20k climb up "that thing", it was epic.

3 heroes, Quintani's break was brilliant but Richie Porte...the way he broke down the peloton once they hit the climb must have brought tears to the riders.
Call me synical but Froomes explosion up that climb was reminiscent of the old days of errrrr...that stuff, I hope he done it clean, it was one of the best displays of climbing I have ever seen.

Looks like Sky are continually having to face the doping question. Didn't they make people sign disclaimers stating they have never been involved in anything like that and a couple of the staff left,hence being considered a clean outfit. Surely as Sir Dave is in charge there can be no question inappropriate behaviour,Its just not knightly. Could the simple explanation be they just prepared better as Froome indicated. I like the fact that Sir Dave has thrown the question back at the press. i.e Tell us how you want us to prove we are clean and we will do it.
People at the top of sport, particularly ones with a doping past, are always going to face that question (until journalists stop asking it, that is. It's an incredibly stupid question. What, do they think if he were he'd suddenly confess?). People do seem to ask it more in cycling, which is odd, as its past is no dirtier than that of, say, sprinting. But the standard of questions in sport journalism is a sorry thing indeed, anyway.
Re: RE: Le Tour 2013

Fido said:
Isn't it sad that comes to mind. Just as questions are being asked about Jamaican sprinters.

I concur with that. The fact we even feel the need to question whether top sports stars are winning through the use of drugs to assist them is very sad, and really questions my confidence in top level sport.
Today Froome should put the Tour to bed, a mountain time trial...say no more ;)

Yesterday, what a great ride from Costa, he judged his break to perfection. I thoroughly enjoyed that!
Contador wanted to do something but his legs just said NO! and Richie Porte had him weighed up :)

Without looking, can anyone name the rider in second at the moment?
If you had asked me yesterday I would have said no, bit sad really when M...something is having a great Tour.

Come on Froome, nearly there!!
Yep a fine effort Peter, I couldn't get past M...!

Not the domination I expected from Froome today. But none the less a job well done.
Contador is certainly trying!

Great stuff, bring on the Alps, twice in one day ;)
Phew, that was a stage & a half today, how those fellas do it I don't know?
Riblon was just so strong, Quintani, another great stage ride from him I recon a future winner with the right team.

Thanks goodness Contador was off the boil today I think he could have cracked Froome if he had the legs of some of his previous stages.

Richie Porte...will he be Sky's man for next years Tour?

2 more days and then the coast into Paris, who's going to take second Contador or Quintani? Because first place is take :D
I'm pretty sure Froome will be Sky's man for next year's tour...

Today was mental. I really struggle to watch the alpine stages with the crowds all over the roads, makes me very cross. Shout all you like, but get off the damned tarmac! Great stage though.

David Millar mentioned on Twitter that, from day one, Ryder Hesjedal has had TOMORROW pegged as the absolute killer day, even worse than the double alp. So watch out...
Another British Tour win and we don't have any (real) Mountains in the UK :)

Well done Chris Froome & the Sky team, I don't think he will get a knighthood or get sports personality of the year but a brilliant ride a bloody good Tour this year.
From what I saw, I think this appeared to be a pretty clean Tour.

Anyway, lets save our cheering for this afternoon...Come on Froome!!
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