Miracle Potion for rash, bumps & ingrowns (well for me anyway)

Johnus said:
When you guys 'bad mouth' Derby's you make Santa cry!! Not good to do during the 12 days of Christmas.
You alway forget that he was from Turkey!! Turkey>Derby's...Santa>Derby's

I'm quite fond of Derbys. Laser Platinum blades, that's another story...
My thoughts, hope they can be of any use - as I also started with EJ89l and Derbys, later switching to Feathers - if thinking back I could change something, I'd get a completely different kit to begin with, with a heavy preference for vintage Gillettes. For instance, sir Max (French Blade) supplies all the newbies with the regular TTOs and adjustables, that would be your easiest call.
Also some smooth blades like Yellows and Super Thins or, if you can find some - Bleues (my absolute favourites along with the Russian "Sputnik"). And ditch the feathers for now - sharper is not always better here.

Some people love EJ, and I admit that even that loaded with Derbys shaves better and with less damage than Machs, but I found it horrible - even an Old Type with a half teeth bent gave me better shaves at the time. Took a lot of time and money to find the razors that work for me, but I think getting an adjustable is your best bet at this point.
Also there are only a handful of products that I found deliver the best performance and comfort during the shave (lots will disagree though), and those for me are Proraso (and it's the most readily available one), Speick and Vitos. I could probably add Nanny's hard soap as well. These really make a difference when your technique is far from perfect.

Good luck :)
i use an Edwin Jagger myself... and started out, like you, with derby's.

As a combination, it didnt work that well for me... shaving rash, bumps and poor shaves were typical.

I went through a phase of trying feathers, and although I like them, found them too aggressive for my sensitive skin, without any real benefit.

In the end, my compromise, and by far the best blade ive ever tried in a EJ razor, is the persona. Closely followed by the gillette platinum. But the personas are easy to come by, fairly cheap, and consistently give me superb shaves over a good 3-4 uses. Not as crazy sharp as feathers, but much sharper than derby's and smoother than either.
jon_hall said:
No need for us to bad mouth a Derby, they can do that all by themselves...

Never mind Derby's I tried a Tiger once.

I felt like my face really had been chewed by a tiger!
I must admit I never got on with Derby blades (in a EJ) when I first started and I thought It was only me who didnt get on with them , its encouraging to see I am not the only one who doesnt like them as when I first started they seemed to be "the go to blade"
Yellow Jim said:
My advice, and I think it would be shared by others, is to stop trying to run before you can walk. You really don't need to start adding glycerine to your lather at this stage (if ever), just try concentrating on the basics of generating a proper lather with a good cream or soap (eg. Palmolive) in the first place and then just do one or two with the grain passes trying to apply no pressure. If you get this right, you won't need you honey/aspirin mix.

Agreed. you have to know how to make good lather to begin with, before you can make it better. FWIW, I never found superlather, uberlathers, glycerin and fiddling etc did anything more than a decent lather can do by itself.

I mean, if you're struggling to make good lather from a soap and you add a cream to make it work - you've made a cream lather.

EDIT: Ok missed the point of the glycerin. Can only echo Jim again tho - when you know what you're doing, fix up potions aren't needed.

I'd also +1 others blade warnings - you're jumping from the preposterous to the dangerous. Simply by being the sharpest doesn't make feathers the smoothest, or best. The right blade is the one that offers the best trade off between sharpness and smoothness. That's something you have to find for yourself.
I didn't believe it. Listening to Talk Radio and what were they shilling as a major sponsor?? Aspirin spray !!! For pain relief. Just spray it on and pain goes a 'sharp hurt to a dull ache'!
Someone stole your idea!!
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