
Glad to see so many of you putting the effort in! Sadly, my three year old (aided, abetted and encouraged by her mother) point blank refuses to allow me to have one. As such, I'm a mere spectator this year (again). It's a grave disappointment as I have a good covering after a couple of days and I reckon I could be a contender in this particular event!
I have shaved off my ridiculously masculine handlebar tache so I don't steal any thunder from the lads at work taking part.

Normal facial adornment will be restored from 1st December.
joe mcclaine said:
I have shaved off my ridiculously masculine handlebar tache so I don't steal any thunder from the lads at work taking part.

Normal facial adornment will be restored from 1st December.

Wow Vinny, that's amazing. Great gesture.

Have you noticed your superpowers fading yet?
Pig Cat said:
joe mcclaine said:
I have shaved off my ridiculously masculine handlebar tache so I don't steal any thunder from the lads at work taking part.

Normal facial adornment will be restored from 1st December.

Wow Vinny, that's amazing. Great gesture.

Have you noticed your superpowers fading yet?

I am now as weak as a very sick kitten.

cruciate said:
Vinnie. Wow.

How long will it take you to grow it back to its former glory?

It's 'waxable' after about 8 weeks - which means it should be looking good again for New Year.
joe mcclaine said:
I have shaved off my ridiculously masculine handlebar tache so I don't steal any thunder from the lads at work taking part.

Normal facial adornment will be restored from 1st December.

Noooooo!!! That's my inspiration gone down the sink'ole! Wow, major bravery there mate and waxable after 8 weeks? Oh to have a growth like that....

NotTheStig said:

Nice photo NTS,

Was that a wedding pic?
Pig Cat wrote
'I am though looking forward to Fanuary. I wonder if any of TSR's lady members will be taking part? ConfusedIcon_razz'

Let me think......erm, nooooooo from me.

I've read the whole thread, and can't work out whether there is a competition here? Am I missing something? Surely a competition is necessary for many reasons. To raise extra money for a worthy cause, to motivate and to sort out the men from the boys, being not least amongst them!:icon_wink: Our friends from across the pond will surely identify with that, and I for one want to see a Dodgy handlebar.

I'm happy to dedicate a modest sum to Movember on behalf of the winner of a TSR competition if there is one - a competition, I mean. Is there?
Face fungus does not come naturally to me, I go from baby arse smooth to 5 O'clock shadow in a flash then that seems to be it.
This week I have been mostly trying to cultivate a Niven/Flynn....
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