My feelings about "holy grail", "forever razors", "stainless steel wonders"

Offset handle, unobscured view of target shaving area ... what will these ingenious Skarpers dream up next.

JohnnyO. o/

PS. I only desire one should they be available in limited editions of stainless steel or titanium.

JohnnyO. o/
A Wolfman was long my holy grail that I sought after.. but since the maker failed to respond to email and I had a year long waiting to endure, I jumped on the Rockwell instead. Stellar customer service and a razor that has rendered all my others "useless". It's that good, and I'm very happy that I took the much cheaper route and gained extra possibilities with the various plates.

The Rockwell 6S is my stainless steel holy grail now - and I own one! Good for me, good for my nights sleep and good for my mug. Also good on the wallet, since I'm done getting razors (at least for the time being).
A Wolfman was long my holy grail that I sought after.. but since the maker failed to respond to email and I had a year long waiting to endure, I jumped on the Rockwell instead. Stellar customer service and a razor that has rendered all my others "useless". It's that good, and I'm very happy that I took the much cheaper route and gained extra possibilities with the various plates.

The Rockwell 6S is my stainless steel holy grail now - and I own one! Good for me, good for my nights sleep and good for my mug. Also good on the wallet, since I'm done getting razors (at least for the time being).
I'm with you buddy!
Only been playing a year but unofficially, according to Golfshake, from the 102 rounds I've entered on there I'm off 14 (13.6) which feels about right ... some days.

Well done mate. Oh sorry forgot to reply with my handicap. Well until I had to give the game up cos I need a knee and they wont give me one I played off 8.
I have come to the conclusion that I will not longer wait with bated breath for a BBS-1, Wolfman, Timeless, or any other stainless steel "gift of the gods" razor. It seems that an announcement about these wonderful, must-have, sell your first-born to acquire wonders are followed by an endless waiting list, which more often than not is closed, to get your hands on a razor that is manufactured by some guy in his garage who is putting out six a year.

The demand for these razors is beyond any semblance of reality; not just for one, but for all of them. Stainless steel razors have become the iPhones of the current generation of wet shavers. If they were sold in shops, people would be lining around the block and queueing at 3:00 am to get their foot in the door.

Would I be one of them? Probably, but reality dictates that only a very few of us are ever going to get their hands on one in the next ten years, and at my age, I think the odds have passed me by.

I will content myself with a 6s, and ask the gods to afflict those who do receive their gifts with poxes and boils. You have been warned @Darkbulb.

Wait a minute. I thought they eradicated the pox. Anyway stop scaring the kids.
A rhodium Aristocrat in a fancy box way back then - same same - no forum at the time but same same - dad or granddad bought it to feel good...

And what a terrible world it would be if we can't do things that makes us feel good :)

As long as essentials and loved ones are taken care of and one feels good about what one have put back into the community - I'd say buy as many razors you want (or any other material possession) and don't ever let anyone tell you it's silly. We're on this planet for a flash of a moment and if it makes you feel good go for it.
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