Need help with shaving? [Red marks after]


Wednesday May 16, 2012
Hi everyone on

Am new here :) But not at shaving.. And I really need some help every time I shave I keep getting red marks after shaving? And my skin drys up?
I use a electric razor as do I cant use a normal one as do I know I will end up cutting myself v_v And I hate hair on my face So I must shave everyday.

Here is how I normal shave

1, Bath
2,After bath I put on shaving Gel (Nivea for men,Sensitive)
3, After that I get my razor (Philips AT890 - Shaver), When I shave I do it over a sink of water not in the bath or shower, So I rise my razor over warm water
4, I then start shaving, I do stop and rise and then I continue In till all hair is gone (Or try to at least)
5, Wash off with warm water
6, Apply post shave balm (Nivea for men, Sensitive)
Now the problem I have is after shaving I end up with this

It dose not hurt but I really hate it. When I see other men shave they never get this? So why do I? And my skin drys up even when using Shave Balm I have very Sensitive skin!?
Wording can I put E45 on after shaving then post shave balm by Nivea?
I hope someone can help me And how I can have a better shave?

If you have any questions do ask and I will get back to you ASAP!
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

Its skin irritation or a shaving rash. Throw ya electric thing away use propper soap that will allow a razor blade ,not some 3-4 or 5 blade pos , a nice single or double edge or even a straight to slide across ya face (not some goo in a can) rinse with cold water to close the pores apply an astringent like alum then apply some a-s.

Oh sorry welcome to tsr dont be offended but we all shave with real equipment. Not elecci things. Lol

RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

fatboy1971 said:
Its skin irritation or a shaving rash. Throw ya electric thing away use propper soap that will allow a razor blade ,not some 3-4 or 5 blade pos , a nice single or double edge or even a straight to slide across ya face (not some goo in a can) rinse with cold water to close the pores apply an astringent like alum then apply some a-s.

Oh sorry welcome to tsr dont be offended but we all shave with real equipment. Not elecci things. Lol


So that is what it is called!
I would use a real razor as you call it but I know I would just end up cutting myself :( even my mum said I would lol.

And thank you for the welcome message :) I sort of know that when I was looking around but I thought I may as well try and ask? No hurt trying I guess is there? Just this site looks like a really good communication unlike other sites. So I thought maybe someone can help? I just really hate the red marks but I cant stop shaving case I hate hair on my face.
Re: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

My mum told me I would cut myself with a cartridge razor like a Gillette Mach 3, she was wrong. I now use a DE razor, still haven't cut myself, this weekend I will be trying a cut throat razor for the first time.

If you want to try a proper razor and have sensitive skin get yourself some decent soap and a Gillette Blue II disposable razor. Once you are comfortable with that you can switch to a DE.
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

Hmmmm so it looks like If I want to get rid of my red rash. Am going to need to use a razor? If so I will!

But seeing as do this will be my first time I do have some questions.
1, How long in till my rash dose go down?
2, If I do end up cutting my self how long dose it take to heal and hide?
3, A lot of you are saying use decent soap / propper soap What do you mean by that?
4, Anyone got any guides / tutorials on how to cut well and how to prepare and end well?
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

Learning how to shave properly with a DE razor will (probably) sort out the on going pain that the electric is giving, I used to use one and had the exact same problem you do.

Yes you will cut yourself; maybe once, maybe half a dozen times but there is a reason DE razors are also called safety razors. You can not cut yourself badly, you won't be scared and its not going to be be as painful as years and years of using an electric. Once you have your technique sorted then the worst you will get is the occasional nick which you will barely feel, I would predict that it would be about 3-4 weeks before you are getting comfortable shaves.

Personally I use a straight (cut throat) and find it the most comfortable shave possible although it took several months to learn and a couple of years in my technique is still being tweaked and improved.

The problem is that we have forgotten what previous generations knew about shaving, mostly as the marketing departments of large companies have persuaded us that their convenient method is best, and to be fair some people do fine with it but many others don't.
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

I have a Merkur future and do not cut myself, use a mild blade I like Personnas, but I am not sure if the med preps are common in UK. I think a Derby is close. Get a cream if you dont have a brush for the soap. I have tried palmolive from UK, and its great. I use alum like was recommended!
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

very nice one to start with is

brush from barberblades

palolive shaving soap from tesco, morrisons or other

razor either from on here, connaught or barberblades sell some

grab a sampler pack from connaught

i never use an electric because it doesnr shave well enough and gives me a rash

you will replace thoes things in less than a year once your commited

we are not going to tell you to spend 100 while there is still a chance it will just sit in a draw unused
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

wow my boys are 14 and 16 when they started shaving there bum fluff they asked me fo get them a lecci razor being a health and safety sort of guy i said "here is a wilki de now fcuk off and cut ya self but mind the jugular,and here is a steptic stick jus in case" lol. They do ok.
As for how long do cuts take to heal,days really i have had a good dig with the straight that took a while. Its all down to technic really. Im in the middle of putting a starter kit together for a lad who does work for me he suffers like ya self with shaving rashes from a mc thingy i have explained its all about the prep. Start with a nice hot shower or bath to soften the beard then use a good shaving soap to stop friction( too much lube is never enough) then enjoy ya shave its not a chore its a pleasure rinse with cold water this will close the pores and cool irritation too(its like a burn) apply a little alum,this will heal weepers and any nicks and aid the healing prossess apply a little after shave balm if ya feel the need then a good after shave. Veola a shave. Look for a wilki de i think tescos sell them they are cheep and for giving or a protector off the bay if ya a scaredy pants. If ya shave right ya might get away with every other day, my youngest is very dark haired and he gets away with clearing his bum fluff every couple of days before its noticeable. Good luck dont be a wimp lol. Give us somemore info on yaself we are nosey cnuts. Lmao

Look on youtube for mantic59 for de guides he has helped alot of people getting started
Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

I never got on with electric shavers, they caused spots to erupt, but I never did that sort of damage. Could it be a combination of too much pressure and/or perhaps blunt cutting edges ?

But looking at that what have you got to loose. Yes we all nick ourselves from time to time, but nothing serious. Give it a go with a disposable first. Good prep and a good lather, as everyone here will tell you is the key.
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

Yup I'm another that used to suffer with shaving rash, initially it was through bad shaving technique and when I moved to electric it got even worse :exclamation:

However these days, all gone, DE shaving with proper lather, the right technique shaving rash is a thing of the past :icon_cheesygrin:

Well worth the effort of doing a proper job with a DE razor.
As you are old enough to shave you are also old enough to cease caring about Mum's opinions about you!

I say do as everyonelse has advised - switch to wet shaving.

However, in the meantime, whilst you get organised with some wet kit, methinks you need to vastly modify your elec shaving. Stop pressing so hard!!! a light touch is required - and this is good practice for wet shaving. Shave a bone dry face and neck before bathing/washing/showering.

Take a look at the cutting edges of your 'razor' - should be sharp and clean, definately not clogged up withh accumulated bits of you.

Apply goos after shaving.

But switch to wet asap.
RE: Need help with saving? [Red marks after]

How old are you and how long have you been shaving?

Personally speaking, if you have never yet shaved with any blade I would disregard all the advice about double edge razors and go for a good quality cartridge - they are much easier for a beginner. Make sure you prepare well with skin sensitive products and read up on how to get a good lather - this site has loads of advice on that. Most importantly, go gently and with the grain of your beard growth. Once you get used to using a blade (as opposed to electric) you can then consider getting into DE razors.

For the after shave routine, try Alum Block followed by Witch Hazel - both will soothe any burn you might experience. As you suffer from dry skin, you should also try a skin food (Trumpers sell a range) and remember than any aftershave has the effect of drying skin so use a skin food before. Personally I would try not to use the medicated cream - or at least try the above first.
The individual's response to shaving varies. Some have no problem (I personally do not recall any redness, rashes etc) but it is evident many individuals do. It is not always down to technique or materials but to the response of the skin to the process of soap and blade contacting the epithelium of the skin, disturbing the integrity of the skin surface. There may be an allergic reaction to the soap used or a milder process which involves histamine release and transient redness.

I would choose the mildest products available..maybe a 2-blade multicartridge such as the Sensor before moving to a Gillette Tech, say..and avoid a brush to begin with and use a brushless product...Palmolive used to have one in their range but it may have been discontinued. I tried a brushless cream called Shavex and was quite impressed by it. The idea is to reduce the insult to the skin to a minimum and trying to identify the reason for any reaction by exclusion of individual elements of the shave.

All the best and give us feedback on progress.
With the greatest respect to your mother, I am sure she has your best interests at heart but she is probably not the best person to advise on face shaving. If you are in danger of cutting yourself with a cartridge razor then you have more to worry about than shaving.

Read the help section which should answer most if not all of your questions.
Hi Mr. & very welcome. I'll try & offer 2 ways you can go, coming from a background of some 35 yrs of visiting skin clinics & dermatologists & about 50 yrs of almost entirely wet shaving.
1) Seriously think about getting a mild safety razor, as mentioned previously they are termed "safety" for a reason. If you're really stuck for cash if you live in Uk drop me an email & I'll send a previously used one down for you to try out & hang on to, no charge.
2) Get a stick of Palm Olive shaving soap or tube of Palm Olive shaving cream from the local supermarket & also a cheap shaving brush.
Watch out for any of Mantic's vids on wet shaving, he's really good at demonstrating techniques. I'd go for face lathering initially as this obviates any probs with creating & assesing lather.
3) Don't slap on too much of your chosen balm after shaving, and only go with the direction the hairs are growing on your neck ...... probably means you shave with downward strokes, though this will vary with your own individual hair growth.
4) Add a dash of household vinegar to the water you rinse your face with. This is a tip a dermatologist gave me decades ago, it will assist in restoring the PH balance of your skin.

If you wish to stick with electric shaving I'll suggest that you DON'T use it whilst your face is wet or recently washed. Give it a try when your face is completely dry & first apply a very light dusting of baby or talcum powder of your choice. Re apply the touch of talc if you are going over any previously shaved areas. It'll cut down on the friction & assist the multiple blades you are grinding over your poor old dermal layers to have a purer gliding action.

Enjoy doing a fairly basic task us guys have been carrying out succesfully for a fair few generations throughout our history & welcome to the TSR club.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
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