New razor: Oristo

Looks like they reached their goal a couple of hours ago. Not quite sure, but amount pledged exceeded goal amount, however no popping of the champagne cork by the two creators. Looks like I will get a Black Mamba clone before the end of the year (maybe).

Wow, yeah you're right - they made it. Congrats to them (and everyone who technically just bought their razor) :)
There's two weeks left on the kickstarter and I'm somewhat tempted to join now as the black mamba rumors have solidified a bit. Hm. We'll see - but this should, from looking at what we know, be a great razor.
Wow, yeah you're right - they made it. Congrats to them (and everyone who technically just bought their razor) :)
There's two weeks left on the kickstarter and I'm somewhat tempted to join now as the black mamba rumors have solidified a bit. Hm. We'll see - but this should, from looking at what we know, be a great razor.

I just figured that you would be one that already owned a Black Mamba. In any case, their second update did confirm that the Stealth version is DLC. Not quite uber-glide, but unless Joe at IB wants to contract those folks to start a Black Mamba production line, I think this will be the closest we'll get.
Don't know if anyone ordered the Oristo, but latest update pushed the release date up by a week and they now intend to start shipping on December 1 so might be getting it a little sooner. Then again it is shipping from Canada and so US customs may be throwing it in the same pile that DB's Rockwell and Wolfman is in. Will report back when I get something in hand.
Don't know if anyone ordered the Oristo, but latest update pushed the release date up by a week and they now intend to start shipping on December 1 so might be getting it a little sooner. Then again it is shipping from Canada and so US customs may be throwing it in the same pile that DB's Rockwell and Wolfman is in. Will report back when I get something in hand.

Three weeks now and my Wolfman handles are still in the Canadian border black hole :(
Latest news is that all the Oristo razors are out the door and Canadians and USA folks (that means me) should get it in a week. I am not holding my breath as DB's Wolfman and 6c are still in the black hole of customs. Will report in when I get it.
Latest news is that all the Oristo razors are out the door and Canadians and USA folks (that means me) should get it in a week. I am not holding my breath as DB's Wolfman and 6c are still in the black hole of customs. Will report in when I get it.

James and I gave up on the black hole and he is re-sending my stuff in a new batch.
As far as I know the Rockwell stuff is still being held. At this point I will probably categorize mine as lost.
James and I gave up on the black hole and he is re-sending my stuff in a new batch.
As far as I know the Rockwell stuff is still being held. At this point I will probably categorize mine as lost.

Someone from the Customs office on one or the other side of the border is really having good shaves at night.
Oristo arrived in the mail today. Came in a plain cardboard box resembling a box of See's Lollipops. Tooks some quick pictures, but will reserve a more detailed review for later after shaving.

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I really like the look of this razor. The baseplate looks so sleek and looks to be a smooth shaver. I look forward to hearing how it shaves. Thanks for sharing......and nice noticing the similarities to the lollipop box LOL!
Okay, after upackaging the razor I prepared for my first shave. Before doing that, I had to read the warning card that came with the razor.

Now this explains why I got all those scars on my thumb and forefinger.

I immediately took the Oristo out and first thing I noticed was the weight (well first thing after the card warning). This was a heavy razor not unlike the RR Wunderbar. Next thing was the finish. Flawless finish, again, not unlike the Wunderbar.

In disassembling the razor, it did not use the conventional pin on the top cap and holes on the bottom like most razors. Remember this is a Black Mamba clone. There were two round stubs on the bottom plate (the Oristo people call it the “anvil”) and corresponding indentations on the top cap (the “retainer”). One thing I noticed immediately was that the bottom plate (I mean the anvil) was very heavy. This was partially because it was thick, but also because it didn't have two big holes in it. Blade loading took a while to adjust to, but once done and screwed on to the handle, it felt very well balanced. The handle (they didn't come up with a different name) was very nice. It had a good feel to it and appeared to be a very stylized Bamboo design. Together, the Oristo just felt comfortable in hand. There was a lot of blade exposure and the blade did stick out slightly at each end of the retainer. It is hard to see from these pictures. I just think that they could have just covered the blade ends like the Wunderbar.
DSCF0203a.jpg DSCF0205a.jpg

As I usually do for my first shave, I took a used blade out of another razor, which happened to be the Wunderbar that I shaved with last night and instead of using my usual farmer's market soap loaded with bentonite clay, I decided to break out the RR Dead Sea Soap since that was a clone of the Black Mamba.

First pass was WTG and I could immediately feel the blade on my face, but not in an aggressive way (kind of like the Fatip Testina). I adjusted the angle a little and could still feel the blade, but was amazed at how efficient and painless the first pass was. I then went ATG for my second pass and it was so smooth that at times I had to check my angle just to make sure I was taking off whiskers. When I checked after the second pass, I did not have to do a third pass or even a touch up. I think I could have just done touch up for my second pass. Most times, I am satisfied with a DFS after two passes and touch up, but with the Oristo, I got a BBS after two passes and no touch up.

I don't know how the Oristo compares to the Black Mamba since I was not one of the few that was able to get one, but I definitely can compare it to the Wunderbar which I shaved with last night. I would say that they are both equivalent in the finish and in the shave. Build quality is about the same for both, which is excellent.

At this time, I am not sure if the Oristo folks will be putting this razor on the market after fulfilling the pledges, although early in the campaign I asked them that and they did say their intention was to put this into production. Be on the look out for it because it is definitely worth it.
Okay, after upackaging the razor I prepared for my first shave. Before doing that, I had to read the warning card that came with the razor.
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Now this explains why I got all those scars on my thumb and forefinger.

I immediately took the Oristo out and first thing I noticed was the weight (well first thing after the card warning). This was a heavy razor not unlike the RR Wunderbar. Next thing was the finish. Flawless finish, again, not unlike the Wunderbar.

In disassembling the razor, it did not use the conventional pin on the top cap and holes on the bottom like most razors. Remember this is a Black Mamba clone. There were two round stubs on the bottom plate (the Oristo people call it the “anvil”) and corresponding indentations on the top cap (the “retainer”). One thing I noticed immediately was that the bottom plate (I mean the anvil) was very heavy. This was partially because it was thick, but also because it didn't have two big holes in it. Blade loading took a while to adjust to, but once done and screwed on to the handle, it felt very well balanced. The handle (they didn't come up with a different name) was very nice. It had a good feel to it and appeared to be a very stylized Bamboo design. Together, the Oristo just felt comfortable in hand. There was a lot of blade exposure and the blade did stick out slightly at each end of the retainer. It is hard to see from these pictures. I just think that they could have just covered the blade ends like the Wunderbar.
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As I usually do for my first shave, I took a used blade out of another razor, which happened to be the Wunderbar that I shaved with last night and instead of using my usual farmer's market soap loaded with bentonite clay, I decided to break out the RR Dead Sea Soap since that was a clone of the Black Mamba.

First pass was WTG and I could immediately feel the blade on my face, but not in an aggressive way (kind of like the Fatip Testina). I adjusted the angle a little and could still feel the blade, but was amazed at how efficient and painless the first pass was. I then went ATG for my second pass and it was so smooth that at times I had to check my angle just to make sure I was taking off whiskers. When I checked after the second pass, I did not have to do a third pass or even a touch up. I think I could have just done touch up for my second pass. Most times, I am satisfied with a DFS after two passes and touch up, but with the Oristo, I got a BBS after two passes and no touch up.

I don't know how the Oristo compares to the Black Mamba since I was not one of the few that was able to get one, but I definitely can compare it to the Wunderbar which I shaved with last night. I would say that they are both equivalent in the finish and in the shave. Build quality is about the same for both, which is excellent.

At this time, I am not sure if the Oristo folks will be putting this razor on the market after fulfilling the pledges, although early in the campaign I asked them that and they did say their intention was to put this into production. Be on the look out for it because it is definitely worth it.

Great write up
Great write up

You have, had, or shaved with a Black Mamba, correct? Just wanted to know your impressions on how the Mamba shaved. the Oristo had significant blade exposure and I could feel the blade, but it was a medium to mild shave, kind of like a lot of early Gem razors and a lot of the newer slants out there. I know that the Mamba's pins were so precise that the blade would snap in the pins and not come out when tipped. the Oristo will not do that. Still, amazing shave, probably due to the shape of the top cap and base plate (oops, I mean retainer and anvil).
You have, had, or shaved with a Black Mamba, correct? Just wanted to know your impressions on how the Mamba shaved. the Oristo had significant blade exposure and I could feel the blade, but it was a medium to mild shave, kind of like a lot of early Gem razors and a lot of the newer slants out there. I know that the Mamba's pins were so precise that the blade would snap in the pins and not come out when tipped. the Oristo will not do that. Still, amazing shave, probably due to the shape of the top cap and base plate (oops, I mean retainer and anvil).

I don't think I've had the pleasure to try a Black Mamba. :(
I think, if memory serves me right, that @Mr_Smartepants has one. I might be wrong.
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