New Shavers FAQ

Re: FAQ Sticky for the newcomers?

Yep, good idea I reckon. After all, people will still ask the same questions regardless, so depending on my mood I can either answer them or to tell them to bugger off and look in the bloody wiki, like they do at SRP.
This is well worth doing, my sarcastic and unfunny post elsewhere notwithstanding. Now, I'm sure there was a thread somewhere hereabouts called "Wooo, there's a Wiki": well, if there still is one I suggest we dust it off, provide a visible link to it and display this stuff prominently there.

Edit: as HM has just said :roll:
Re: New Shavers FAQ - build a wiki

hunnymonster said:
Merged topics.

Why? This was a discussion on the topic of making one, the other was actually making it, and everyone has gone off topic, I honestly have no idea what you are doing it for.

Oh well I tried, if anyone wants to change the wiki feel free, but this has been said before and not done.
Because the best place for the FAQ is in the Wiki.

The last thing any board needs is half a screen of stickies - the search facility on the board will return either thousands of more recent posts before the FAQ entry or none if the search term is too broad, where the organisation within the Wiki is entirely freeform so it can quickly be found and linked to (and updated by anyone that has an update rather than either the original poster or an admin having to do it).

Sticky posts are not the way to organise FAQs.
I think HM's point is that the wiki is the place to be compiling this information. I don't think general shaving is the place for a general sticky of this sort, possibly it would sit better in shaving help, but the wiki would be best of all, because of the editing options.

Edit: as HM has just said :roll:
I hope no-one objects - I've had a bash at amending and extending the article.


Q. What is the basic kit to start shaving?
A. Razor, blades, shaving brush (needed for lathering and applying creams and soaps rather then the canned products you're probably used to), shaving soap/cream. Optional extras including styptic pencil/alum (for any cuts and nicks), aftershave balm, aftershave and many different accessories).

Q. What type of razors are available?
A. Many; there are basic (non-adjustable DE razors, adjustable DE razors (adjusts how much of the blade is able to touch the face which affects how closely the razor cuts) single-edge razors, such as Schick Injectors which take single-edged blades, shavettes (like a straight/cut-throat razor but using disposable blades), and straight/cut-throat razors (see Straight Razor section of forum).

Q. What do the numbers on the blades mean?
A. The numbers are just manufacturing numbers and don’t have any importance to us shavers.

Q. Which blade is best?
A. It’s impossible to say which is the best brand; everyone has a favourite, so just try as many as you can until you find your best.

Q. What types of Brushes are there?
A. Boar brush (considered inferior to badger by most, but some prefer), badger (different types depending on which part of the animal the hairs are from, including, pure, best, super and silver tip, from cheapest to dearest), synthetic (nylon, cheap and some like these), blends (a mixture of more than one type of bristle).

Jargon Buster

PIF (Pay it forward) - This basically means a freebie, but with the general condition you pass something on (maybe the item itself) to another member, this is something we all make good use of on TSR, so feel free to send and receive PIFs to try new products out before buying some yourself.

WTG, ATG, XTG - With the grain, against the grain, and across the grain; all three are shaving motions. Grain means the direction of beard growth – if you stroke your face when you have stubble, you’ll notice that rubbing your hand in one direction will make the face feel smoother than the others – this direction is called “with the grain. “Across the grain will be 90 degrees in either direction from WTG, and “across the grain is 180 degrees from WTG. NOTE: The angle of the grain varies from person to person and changes as you move around the face.

DFS – Damn fine shave – this is subjective, but usually means a shave which leaves little or no visible “shadow” or stubble, and feels smooth when you rub your face with the grain.

SAS – Socially acceptable shave – not a very close shave, but doesn’t look scruffy.

BBS - Baby bum/butt smooth – simply, the saying “smooth as a baby's bottom”, this is the desired feel after a great shave.

Passes – The number of times you pass the razor over the entirety of the face during a shave, i.e. a 3 pass shave is where you shave the whole face three times, usually in different direction, depending on personal preference. Not to be confused with “strokes” which are single movements of the razor.

Face lathering – When cream or soap is worked into a lather with the shaving brush directly on the face

Palm lathering – When cream or soap is lathered on the palm of the hand using the brush; the brush is then used to apply the lather to the face.

Bowl lathering – Similar to palm lathering, but the lather is created in a bowl, dish or cup of some kind before being applied to the face.

Prep – Any treatment, product of procedure that prepares the face for shaving.

Post-shave – Any product or treatment that follows the shave."
chrisbell said:
I hope no-one objects - I've had a bash at amending and extending the article.


Q. What is the basic kit to start shaving?
A. Razor, blades, shaving brush (needed for lathering and applying creams and soaps rather then the canned products you're probably used to), shaving soap/cream. Optional extras including styptic pencil/alum (for any cuts and nicks), aftershave balm, aftershave and many different accessories).

Q. What type of razors are available?
A. Many; there are basic (non-adjustable DE razors, adjustable DE razors (adjusts how much of the blade is able to touch the face which affects how closely the razor cuts) single-edge razors, such as Schick Injectors which take single-edged blades, shavettes (like a straight/cut-throat razor but using disposable blades), and straight/cut-throat razors (see Straight Razor section of forum).

Q. What do the numbers on the blades mean?
A. The numbers are just manufacturing numbers and don’t have any importance to us shavers.

Q. Which blade is best?
A. It’s impossible to say which is the best brand; everyone has a favourite, so just try as many as you can until you find your best.

Q. What types of Brushes are there?
A. Boar brush (considered inferior to badger by most, but some prefer), badger (different types depending on which part of the animal the hairs are from, including, pure, best, super and silver tip, from cheapest to dearest), synthetic (nylon, cheap and some like these), blends (a mixture of more than one type of bristle).

Jargon Buster

PIF (Pay it forward) - This basically means a freebie, but with the general condition you pass something on (maybe the item itself) to another member, this is something we all make good use of on TSR, so feel free to send and receive PIFs to try new products out before buying some yourself.

WTG, ATG, XTG - With the grain, against the grain, and across the grain; all three are shaving motions. Grain means the direction of beard growth – if you stroke your face when you have stubble, you’ll notice that rubbing your hand in one direction will make the face feel smoother than the others – this direction is called “with the grain. “Across the grain will be 90 degrees in either direction from WTG, and “across the grain is 180 degrees from WTG. NOTE: The angle of the grain varies from person to person and changes as you move around the face.

DFS – Damn fine shave – this is subjective, but usually means a shave which leaves little or no visible “shadow” or stubble, and feels smooth when you rub your face with the grain.

SAS – Socially acceptable shave – not a very close shave, but doesn’t look scruffy.

BBS - Baby bum/butt smooth – simply, the saying “smooth as a baby's bottom”, this is the desired feel after a great shave.

Passes – The number of times you pass the razor over the entirety of the face during a shave, i.e. a 3 pass shave is where you shave the whole face three times, usually in different direction, depending on personal preference. Not to be confused with “strokes” which are single movements of the razor.

Face lathering – When cream or soap is worked into a lather with the shaving brush directly on the face

Palm lathering – When cream or soap is lathered on the palm of the hand using the brush; the brush is then used to apply the lather to the face.

Bowl lathering – Similar to palm lathering, but the lather is created in a bowl, dish or cup of some kind before being applied to the face.

Prep – Any treatment, product of procedure that prepares the face for shaving.

Post-shave – Any product or treatment that follows the shave."

Still no the f***ing wiki
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